As a student, you can book “group rooms”, lecture halls, common areas and other premises at Chalmers. On this page you will find information on how to do so and what is required to make a booking.
General rules /Conditions for making a booking
All students with a Chalmers ID (CID) can make a booking. You may not book any of Chalmers' rooms or areas for private use. Apart from group rooms, students may only book premises for student union activities.
Dinners (sittning), parties and other events must primarily be booked on section premises. Read more about how to book these on the page Arrangements on section premises.
The student union has rooms and areas you can rent as well. Read more about this on the student union's website.
Book group rooms and the exercise hall
In TimeEdit under the entry "Student" you can search for and book group rooms and the exercise hall. You book the desired day and time directly in the TimeEdit calendar.
Book lecture halls and auditoriums
You can book lecture halls and audotiums for lunch seminsaris (weekday 12–13) directly in TimeEdit.
If you want to book during any other times, please use the booking form below.

Book common and outdoor areas
As a student, you can also book other types of rooms and spaces. Please note that bookings are only allowed for student union activities. In shared spaces accessible to staff, students, and other visitors, parties or alcohol consumption are not permitted. The same rules apply to facilities used for undergraduate education (computer labs, teaching rooms, lecture halls, and similar spaces).
Here, you can find information about the rules for the different types of spaces. Read through the information and use the button below to access the booking form.
Please check availability in TimeEdit before sending your booking request.
Agreement and conditions
The regular disposition agreement must be signed by both parties. The service department is available for this Monday–Friday at 7:30–12:15 and 13:00–15:30.