To be able to register for your thesis/degree project, you need to fill out the web form ”Thesis application form” and have it approved. You also need to meet the requirements that are stated in the regulations.
Thesis application form
Once you have filled out the web form it needs to be approved by the examiner and Head of programme/Director of master's programme. You must do this at least four weeks before your estimated start date. The application form apply to students on both bachelor of science in engineering, shipping, civil engineering and master's programmes.
Erasmus and Bilateral students are exempted from getting a signature/approval from the Director of master’s programme since they don’t belong to a programme.
Web form:
Thesis application form
Are you unsure about something in the web form or is something not working? In that case, please use the contact form on the start page for more help. If you can´t reach the start page, please use the contact form in the Service Portal:
Info videos
Here you will find short info videos on how to fill in the web form "Thesis application form"
Chalmers Play
Thesis application exemption form
In some cases you should use the exemption form, "Thesis application exemption form":
- If the main field of study for the course does not match with the main field of study for the programme
(Applies only to 30 and 60 credit theses/degree projects) - If you want to register on an older programme code that is no longer given
The completed form must be digitally signed by the examiner and Head of programme/Director of master's programme. The document must be downloaded before any signing can be done. It must be sent in at least four weeks before your estimated start date. This is done by the person who last signed the document.
The document must then be sent to: thesis@chalmers.se.
Please note! We only accept a digitally signed exemption form.
Register for your thesis/degree project in Ladok
When your form is received and everything is correct, it will be included in Ladok showing that you are expected to do your thesis/degree project. You are then responsible for registering on the course yourself (just as with other course registration). The registration opens Monday three weeks before the course instance starts and closes Tuesday of the second week of the course instance.

For those who have not completed their thesis/degree project
To re-register for a thesis/degree project you have started but not finished (with the same course code as before), use the services in Ladok for students. Select “My education" and "Change to another course instance.” You should not fill in a new form. If this does not work, you are welcome to contact us at our contact address.