Here you find information on how to write your mandatory planning report and prepare for a Public defence of a degree project.
Planning report – what, how and when
The planning report specifies the aims, describes how the work will be carried out and gives an implementation schedule. In other words, it answers the questions: what how and when?
Students must produce a written planning report, detailing the problem /task. The report should include the background, preliminary aims, objectives, demarcations, method and timetable for producing the thesis. As per learning objectives 9 and 10, the report should clarify which societal, ethical and ecological aspects need to be considered. If these aspects are not considered, then reasons must be given. Planning reports for 60-credit theses must include an interim objective (worth 30 credits).
Public defence of a degree project
For a degree project to pass, a student must have served as an “external reviewer” on another degree project. The defence should take place once a student has commenced their own degree project. If more than one student is participating in the defence, they should all play an active role to obtain a pass.
The defence must take the form of an oral dialogue between the author and their reviewer.
Defence of a degree project involves a close examination of the written work and oral presentation. The purpose of the disputation is not to assess the degree project but to serve as a support exercise, in which constructive criticism can raise the quality of work.
To explain their opinions objectively and counter the author’s arguments, a reviewer must be prepared and familiar with the project.
The final defence, when the degree project is presented, should be a final critical review of the work, in terms of both content and its formal written aspects.