Every programme concludes with a thesis/degree project. This is something that you write at the end of your studies and is for many the way to enter the world of work. You will receive information about what applies to your programme from your Student Guidance Counsellor or Head of programme/Director of Master's programme.
Regulations and learning objectives
Here you can read more about the regulations and learning objectives applicable for your thesis/degree project. Regulations and learning objectives differ depending on what you are studying.
Chalmers regulations for theses/degree projects are based on the goals formulated in Chalmers lokala examensordning (in Swedish) and in the regulations for the theses/degree projects.
Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Architecture, Master of Science

Regulations for the use of AI tools in thesis work
Here you will find Chalmers regulations for the use of AI tools in your thesis work.
Find a thesis/degree project
You most often find a thesis/degree project yourself in consultation with your supervisor. You can get support from your Head of programme/Director of master's programme or the department where you write your thesis/degree project.
Chalmers master thesis portal
In Chalmers master thesis portal you will find available projects announced by both external parties and projects at our departments.
Application forms – thesis/degree project
The application forms apply to students on both bachelor of science in engineering, shipping, civil engineering and master's programmes. To be able to start the process with your thesis/degree project, you must fill in the web form "Thesis application form" and have it signed by the examiner and Head of programme/Director of master's programme. You must do this well before your estimated start date.
For more information and link to forms
Please note!
Fee-paying students must, for Visa reasons, adhere to the dates according to the academic year when doing their Master thesis. You cannot choose individual dates.
The academic year
If you need to prolong the dates to be able to complete your Master thesis, then you need to extend your Visa.
Residence permit
Learning objectives
In the learning objectives you find valuable information that you can benefit from throughout your thesis/degree project. You can for example read about:
- Grades
- Examination
- Conditions for starting the thesis/degree project
- Implementation
- Examiner
- Supervisor
- Student responsibility

Digital work card and signature
A digital work card containing e-publishing agreements. Create your digital work card using Adobe and submit it to the department where you completed your thesis.
Master's Thesis at the Department of Technology Management and Economics (TME)
Students presentation of master thesis during spring 2024

Presentation of master thesis
Schedule per institution of students presentations of master thesis