Year 2
Programme overview for year 2020/2021
The programme overview is not yet adopted
Study period 1
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)MMS045 Project management Written and oral assignments (part A) 2.5 credits MMS045 Project management Written and oral assignments (part B) 3 credits MMS045 Project management Examination (part C) 2 credits S - Thu 29/10-2020 pm L
- Thu 07/01-2021 am L
- Wed 25/08-2021 pm L
TEK341 Financial statement analysis and corporate valuation Examination 6 credits - Mon 26/10-2020 pm L
- Mon 04/01-2021 am L
- Thu 19/08-2021 pm L
TEK341 Financial statement analysis and corporate valuation Written and oral assignments 1.5 credits S
Study period 2
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)MMS120 Maritime law and ship management Written and oral assignments (part A) 6 credits MMS120 Maritime law and ship management Examination (part B) 1.5 credits S - Sat 16/01-2021 am L
- Fri 09/04-2021 am L
- Fri 27/08-2021 pm L
SJO915 Applied statistics Written and oral assignments (part A) 1.5 credits SJO915 Applied statistics Examination (part B) 6 credits S - Wed 13/01-2021 pm L
- Thu 08/04-2021 am L
- Mon 16/08-2021 pm L
Study period 3
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)MMS115 Work placement for the International logistics programme Project (part A) 12 credits 1) MMS115 Work placement for the International logistics programme Written and oral assignments (part B) 3 credits S, 1) SJO590 Maritime economics project Project 7.5 credits E, 1) SJO631 Advanced project in shipping markets Project 7.5 credits E, 1)
Study period 4
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)MMS110 Environmental management in logistics and shipping Examination (part A) 4.5 credits 2) - Fri 04/06-2021 am L
- Mon 23/08-2021 pm L
MMS110 Environmental management in logistics and shipping Project (part B) 3 credits S, 2) TEK710 Organization and leadership Written and oral assignments 7.5 credits E
- 1 Compulsory elective: The course "Work placement for the International logistics programme" should be taken in most circumstances. The other courses will be given on a case-by-case basis if there are not sufficient places for work placement. (MMS115, SJO590, SJO631) 15 credits of stated courses are required for the degree
- 2 The course has theme Environment 7.5 credits
- DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
- S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.
- E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.