Year 3
Programme overview for year 2025/2026
The programme overview is adopted 2025-02-20 by Dean of Education.
Study period 1
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)FTF141 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)DAT566 Introduction to data science and AI Written and oral assignments 4 credits 2) DAT566 Introduction to data science and AI Examination 3.5 credits S, 2) MTF053 Fluid mechanics Examination 4.5 credits 2) MTF053 Fluid mechanics Laboratory 1.5 credits 2) MTF053 Fluid mechanics Design exercise 1.5 credits S, 2) MVE745 Research project in mathematics Project 7.5 credits E SSY051 Automatic control Examination 5.5 credits 2) SSY051 Automatic control Laboratory 2 credits S, 2) TIF395 Quantum physics Laboratory 1.5 credits 2) TIF395 Quantum physics Written and oral assignments 4.5 credits 2) TIF395 Quantum physics Examination 3 credits S, 2) TMA947 Nonlinear optimisation Laboratory 1.5 credits TMA947 Nonlinear optimisation Examination 6 credits S
Study period 2
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MVE695 Partial differential equations Examination 6 credits MVE695 Partial differential equations Laboratory (part B) 1.5 credits S Elective courses
Voluntary courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MVE370 Mathematics and society Written and oral assignments 0 credits *, 5), 4)
Study period 3
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)DAT326 Domain Specific Languages of Mathematics Written and oral assignments 3.5 credits 2) DAT326 Domain Specific Languages of Mathematics Examination 4 credits S, 2) EEF031 Theory of electromagnetic fields Examination 7.5 credits E, 2) EEN250 Communication systems Project 2.5 credits 2) EEN250 Communication systems Examination 5 credits S, 2) IMS090 Simulation based mechanics and strength of materials Examination 7.5 credits E, 2) MVE150 Algebra Examination 7.5 credits E MVE745 Research project in mathematics Project 7.5 credits E TDA357 Databases Examination 4.5 credits 2) TDA357 Databases Laboratory 3 credits S, 2) TDA384 Principles of Concurrent Programming Laboratory 3 credits 2) TDA384 Principles of Concurrent Programming Examination 4.5 credits S, 2) Voluntary courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MVE370 Mathematics and society Written and oral assignments 3 credits *, 5), 4)
Study period 4
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MVE347 Environment and mathematical modelling Project 5 credits 6) MVE347 Environment and mathematical modelling Examination 2.5 credits S, 6) Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)SEE150 Environmental economics Examination 7.5 credits E, 2), 7), 8), 9) SSY310 Automatic control Project 3 credits 2), 10) SSY310 Automatic control Examination 4.5 credits S, 2), 10) Voluntary courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MVE370 Mathematics and society Written and oral assignments 4.5 credits *, E, 5), 4)
Diploma thesis
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MVEX11 Bachelor's thesis in Mathematics Project 15 credits * TIFX11 Bachelor's thesis in Physics Project 15 credits *
- 1 The course has theme Environment 1.5 credits
- 2 Compulsory elective: At least two of the courses in brackets must be selected (DAT326, DAT516, DAT566, EDA452, EEF031, EEN250, IMS090, MTF053, SEE020, SEE150, SSY051, SSY310, TDA357, TDA384, TEK685, TEK741, TIF395, UCM011) 2 of stated courses are required for the degree
- 3 The course has theme Environment 2.5 credits
- 4 The course has theme MTS 7.5 credits
- 5 Recommendation: The course is recommended for those who plan to study on the MPLOL programme (MVE370)
- 6 The course has theme Environment 7.5 credits
- 7 Recommendation: It is recommended to take the course in the second year (SEE150) (SEE150)
- 8 The course has theme Environment 3 credits
- 9 The course has theme MTS 3 credits
- 10 Recommendation: The course is recommended for the second year of the programme (SSY310)
- DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
- E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.
- S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.
- *: The module includes education in another period