Year 3
Programme overview for year 2025/2026
The programme overview is adopted 2025-02-13 by Dean of Education.
Study period 1
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)EEN175 Introduction to machine learning Examination 4.5 credits EEN220 Systems engineering Written and oral assignments (part A) 3 credits Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)IMS080 Solid mechanics and materials Project 1.5 credits 1) IMS080 Solid mechanics and materials Examination 6 credits S, 1) MTF053 Fluid mechanics Examination 4.5 credits MTF053 Fluid mechanics Laboratory 1.5 credits MTF053 Fluid mechanics Design exercise 1.5 credits S MVE295 Complex analysis Examination 6 credits MVE295 Complex analysis Written and oral assignments 1.5 credits S TDA384 Principles of Concurrent Programming Laboratory 3 credits TDA384 Principles of Concurrent Programming Examination 4.5 credits S TMA947 Nonlinear optimisation Laboratory 1.5 credits TMA947 Nonlinear optimisation Examination 6 credits S TMS150 Stochastic data processing and simulation Project 7.5 credits E TMV200 Discrete mathematics Examination 7.5 credits E
Study period 2
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)EEN175 Introduction to machine learning Written and oral assignments 1.5 credits S EEN220 Systems engineering Project (part B) 6 credits S Elective courses
Study period 3
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)CLS045 Global and intercultural competence Written and oral assignments 3 credits *, 5) DAT610 Human - computer interaction Examination 4.5 credits 5) DAT610 Human - computer interaction Project 3 credits S, 5) EDA322 Digital design Laboratory 3 credits EDA322 Digital design Examination 4.5 credits S EDA344 Computer communication Laboratory 2 credits EDA344 Computer communication Examination 5.5 credits S EEN250 Communication systems Project 2.5 credits EEN250 Communication systems Examination 5 credits S ETI147 Analog electronics Laboratory 0.7 credits * ETI147 Analog electronics Examination 3 credits * MTF115 Heat transfer Examination 4.5 credits 3) MTF115 Heat transfer Design exercise + laboratory 3 credits S, 3) PPU061 Human machine systems Project 7.5 credits E, 5) PPU201 Machine elements Project 2 credits PPU201 Machine elements Examination 5.5 credits S TDA357 Databases Examination 4.5 credits TDA357 Databases Laboratory 3 credits S TEK125 Logistics Examination 7.5 credits E TEK226 Technology and society Written and oral assignments 7.5 credits E, 5) TMV029 Finite automata and formal languages Written and oral assignments 3 credits TMV029 Finite automata and formal languages Examination 4.5 credits S
Study period 4
Elective courses
Diploma thesis
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)DATX11 Bachelor's thesis in Computer science and engineering Project 15 credits * EENX16 Bachelor's thesis in Electrical engineering Project 15 credits * IMSX16 Bachelor's thesis in Industrial and materials science Project 15 credits * MCCX11 Bachelor's thesis in Microtechnology and nanoscience Project 15 credits * MMSX21 Bachelor's thesis in Mechanics and maritime sciences Project 15 credits * MVEX11 Bachelor's thesis in Mathematics Project 15 credits * SEEX16 Bachelor's thesis in Space, earth and environment Project 15 credits *
- 1 The course has theme Environment 1 credits
- 2 The course has theme Environment 2.5 credits
- 3 Overlap: Only one of the marked courses can be included in the degree (MTF115, SEE020)
- 4 Overlap: Only one of the marked courses can be included in the degree (MMS225, TEK741)
- 5 The course has theme MTS 7.5 credits
- 6 The course has theme Environment 7.5 credits
- DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
- S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.
- E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.
- *: The module includes education in another period