Year 2
Programme overview for year 2025/2026
The programme overview is adopted 2025-02-19 by Dean of Education.
Study period 1
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)EME110 Design of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) Project 7.5 credits S, 1) FKA196 Fundamentals of micro- and nanotechnology Examination 7.5 credits E MCC055 Optoelectronics Examination 7.5 credits S, 1) MCC190 Semiconductor devices for modern electronics Laboratory 1.5 credits 1) MCC190 Semiconductor devices for modern electronics Project 1.5 credits 1) MCC190 Semiconductor devices for modern electronics Examination 4.5 credits S, 1) RRY025 Image processing Examination 7.5 credits E RRY100 Satellite communications Oral examination 7.5 credits E, 1) SSY121 Introduction to communication engineering Examination 7.5 credits E
Study period 2
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)MCC100 Fiber optical communication Examination 7.5 credits S, 1) MCC125 Wireless link project Project 7.5 credits E, 1) MKM106 Introduction to microsystems packaging Laboratory 2.5 credits MKM106 Introduction to microsystems packaging Examination 5 credits S RRY071 Millimeter wave and THz technology Oral examination 7.5 credits E, 1) RRY095 Satellite positioning Written and oral assignments 7.5 credits E, 1) RRY131 Radioastronomical techniques and interferometry Project 3 credits RRY131 Radioastronomical techniques and interferometry Examination 4.5 credits S SJO955 Introduction to law Examination 7.5 credits E, 2) SSY130 Applied signal processing Examination 7.5 credits S TIF300 Spectroscopy Examination 7.5 credits E
Study period 3
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)SSY200 Computational electromagnetics Oral examination 7.5 credits E
Study period 4
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)DAT535 Implementation of digital signal processing systems Laboratory 3.5 credits DAT535 Implementation of digital signal processing systems Examination 4 credits S
Diploma thesis
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2025 - aug 2026)EENX60 Master's thesis in Electrical engineering Diploma thesis (part A) 30 credits * MCCX60 Master's thesis in Microtechnology and nanoscience Diploma thesis (part A) 30 credits * SEEX60 Master's thesis in Space, earth and environment Diploma thesis (part A) 30 credits * EENX30 Master's thesis in Electrical engineering Diploma thesis 30 credits * EENX60 Master's thesis in Electrical engineering Diploma thesis (part B) 30 credits * MCCX04 Master's thesis in Microtechnology and nanoscience Diploma thesis 30 credits * MCCX60 Master's thesis in Microtechnology and nanoscience Diploma thesis (part B) 30 credits * SEEX30 Master's thesis in Space, earth and environment Diploma thesis 30 credits * SEEX60 Master's thesis in Space, earth and environment Diploma thesis (part B) 30 credits *
- 1 Compulsory elective: Profile course year 2 (EME110, MCC055, MCC100, MCC125, MCC190, RRY071, RRY095, RRY100) 2 of stated courses are required for the degree
- 2 Recommendation: Given in Swedish. Deals with Swedish legislation. (SJO955)
- DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
- S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.
- E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.
- *: The module includes education in another period