Structural Engineering and Building Technology


  • Swedish nameKonstruktionsteknik och byggnadsteknologi
  • Programme codeMPSEB
  • Credits120 Credits
  • Academic year2025/2026
  • LevelSecond-cycle

Year 1

Programme overview for year 2025/2026

The programme overview is adopted 2025-02-20 by Dean of Education.

  • 1 Compulsory elective: Among these courses you have to choose at least 30 c during spring year 1 and autumn year 2. (ACE060, ACE150, ACE160, ACE166, ACE230, ACE285, BOM170, BOM175, BOM251, TME141, TME245, VBB048, VBB072, VBF021, VIN032, VSM191, VSM196) 30 credits of stated courses are required for the degree
  • 2 Recommendation: GeoStructures (ACE060, ACE150, ACE230, TME245, VBB048, VBB072)
  • 3 Recommendation: Structural engineering (ACE060, ACE160, BOM170, TME141, TME245, VBB048, VBB072, VSM191, VSM196)
  • 4 Recommendation: Building technology (ACE160, ACE166, ACE285, BOM175, BOM251, VBF021, VIN032)
  • 5 The course has theme Environment 5 credits
  • DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
  • E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.
  • S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.