Innovative and Sustainable Chemical Engineering


  • Swedish nameInnovativ och hållbar kemiteknik
  • Programme codeMPISC
  • Credits120 Credits
  • Academic year2025/2026
  • LevelSecond-cycle

Year 1

Programme overview for year 2025/2026

The programme overview is adopted 2025-02-14 by Dean of Education.

  • 1 Compulsory elective: The following courses are classified as compulsory and courses can be selected during year 1 and 2. (BBT051, BBT065, KBT111, KBT130, KBT135, KBT140, KBT156, KBT245, KKR073, KTK012, KVM013, MEN031, SSY285) 37.5 credits of stated courses are required for the degree
  • 2 Recommendation: To acquire a profile from track Green technology development and analysis, it is recommended to follow one or more of these specified courses (BBT051, KBT135, KBT140, KBT156, KBT245, KTK012, SEE140, VTM081)
  • 3 Recommendation: These compulsory elective courses are normally followed during the second year of the Masters programme (BBT051, KBT156, KBT245)
  • 4 Recommendation: To acquire a profile from track Process engineering, it is recommended to follow one or more of these specified courses (BBT051, BBT065, KBT111, KBT135, KBT156, KVM071, MEN031, PPU231, SSY285, TEK465)
  • 5 Recommendation: To acquire a profile from track Modeling and design, it is recommended to follow one or more of these specified courses (KBT111, KBT156, KBT245, KKR073, KVM013, SSY285, TME160)
  • 6 Recommendation: The course KVM013 Industrial energy systems provides recommended prerequisites for these courses (KBT156, KVM013, KVM071, MEN031)
  • 7 Recommendation: To acquire a profile from track Biorefining and forest biomass processing technology, it is recommended to follow one or more of these specified courses (BBT065, KBT111, KBT130, KBT245, KTK012, MEN031, SEE140)
  • 8 Recommendation: The following course is recommended for the second year of the Masters programme and the course CFD for engineers should be taken before to give sufficient prerequisites (KKR073, TME160)
  • 9 Recommendation: The course is compulsory for students who have not taken an earlier course in sustainability or chemical environmental science. (KBT140)
  • 10 The course has theme Environment 7.5 credits
  • DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
  • S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.
  • E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.