Year 1
Programme overview for year 2020/2021
The programme overview is adopted 2019-02-20 by Dean of Education.
Study period 1
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)FFR105 Stochastic optimization algorithms Examination 7.5 credits E - Wed 28/10-2020 pm J
- Mon 04/01-2021 am J
- Thu 26/08-2021 am J
FFR135 Artificial neural networks Examination 7.5 credits E - Mon 26/10-2020 am L
- Tue 05/01-2021 pm J
- Thu 19/08-2021 pm J
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)KMG060 Systems biology Examination 7.5 credits S, 1), 2) - Sat 24/10-2020 pm J
- Thu 07/01-2021 am J
- Tue 24/08-2021 pm J
RRY025 Image processing Examination 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Thu 29/10-2020 pm J
- Tue 05/01-2021 pm J
- Fri 20/08-2021 pm J
TIF160 Humanoid robotics Project 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) TIF290 Quantum mechanics Examination 4.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
TIF295 Experimental methods in modern physics Project 3 credits E, 1), 2) TIN093 Algorithms Examination 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Sat 24/10-2020 pm L
- Tue 05/01-2021 am J
- Thu 26/08-2021 pm J
TMA881 High performance computing Examination 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
TMA947 Nonlinear optimisation Laboratory 1.5 credits 1), 2) TMA947 Nonlinear optimisation Examination 6 credits S, 1), 2) - Thu 29/10-2020 am J
- Sat 02/01-2021 am J
- Tue 17/08-2021 am J
TMS165 Stochastic calculus Examination 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Tue 27/10-2020 am J
- Mon 04/01-2021 pm J
- Fri 20/08-2021 am J
Study period 2
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)FFR120 Simulation of complex systems Project 7.5 credits E TIF155 Dynamical systems Examination 7.5 credits E - Mon 11/01-2021 am J
- Fri 09/04-2021 pm J
- Wed 18/08-2021 am J
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)ENM140 Game theory and rationality Project 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) FKA121 Computational physics Examination 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
MTF073 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Written and oral assignments (part A) 1.5 credits 1), 2) MTF073 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Written and oral assignments (part B) 1.5 credits 1), 2) MTF073 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Written and oral assignments (part C) 1.5 credits 1), 2) MTF073 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Examination 3 credits S, 1), 2) - Fri 15/01-2021 am J
- Fri 09/04-2021 pm J
- Mon 16/08-2021 pm J
MVE095 Options and mathematics Examination 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) - Sat 09/01-2021 am J
- Fri 09/04-2021 am J
- Tue 24/08-2021 am J
TDA251 Algorithms, advanced course Project 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) TDA507 Computational methods in bioinformatics Written and oral assignments 7.5 credits E, 1), 2) TIF181 Science, innovation and entrepreneurship Project 7.5 credits E, 1), 2)
Study period 3
Compulsory courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)FFR110 Computational biology Examination 7.5 credits E - Thu 18/03-2021 pm J
- Thu 10/06-2021 am J
- Wed 25/08-2021 am J
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)MVE155 Statistical inference Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Tue 16/03-2021 pm J
- Wed 09/06-2021 am J
- Tue 17/08-2021 pm J
TDA206 Discrete optimization Examination 7.5 credits E - Wed 17/03-2021 am J
- Wed 25/08-2021 pm J
TDA233 Algorithms for machine learning and inference Written and oral assignments 3 credits TDA233 Algorithms for machine learning and inference Examination 4.5 credits S - Tue 16/03-2021 pm J
- Thu 10/06-2021 am J
- Wed 25/08-2021 am J
TIF150 Information theory for complex systems Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Fri 19/03-2021 pm J
- Contact examiner
- Thu 19/08-2021 am J
TIF320 Computational materials and molecular physics Project 7.5 credits E, 1) TMA285 Financial derivatives and partial differential equations Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Tue 16/03-2021 am J
- Thu 10/06-2021 pm J
- Fri 27/08-2021 pm J
TME285 Intelligent agents Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
Study period 4
Elective courses
Course code and nameModule, credits/periodBlockNoteExaminationRe-examination (okt 2020 - aug 2021)MTF271 Turbulence modeling Written and oral assignments (part A) 1.5 credits 1) MTF271 Turbulence modeling Written and oral assignments (part B) 1.5 credits 1) MTF271 Turbulence modeling Examination 4.5 credits S, 1) - Tue 01/06-2021 am J
- Fri 09/10-2020 pm J
- Tue 17/08-2021 am J
MVE165 Linear and integer optimization with applications Examination 7.5 credits S, 1) - Thu 03/06-2021 am J
- Thu 26/08-2021 pm J
MVE441 Statistical learning for big data Project 1.5 credits 1) MVE441 Statistical learning for big data Take-home examination 6 credits S, 1) TIF106 Non-equilibrium processes in physics, chemistry and biology Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Tue 01/06-2021 pm J
- Fri 09/10-2020 am J
- Mon 23/08-2021 am J
TIF360 Advanced machine learning with neural networks Project 7.5 credits E, 1) TME290 Autonomous robots Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
- Contact examiner
TMS016 Spatial statistics and image analysis Examination 7.5 credits S, 1) - Wed 02/06-2021 pm J
- Contact examiner
- Wed 25/08-2021 pm J
TMS088 Financial time series Examination 7.5 credits E, 1) - Fri 04/06-2021 pm J
- Sat 02/01-2021 am J
- Mon 23/08-2021 am J
- 1 Compulsory elective: - (ENM140, FKA121, KMG060, MTF073, MTF271, MVE095, MVE155, MVE165, MVE441, RRY025, TDA251, TDA507, TIF106, TIF150, TIF160, TIF181, TIF290, TIF295, TIF320, TIF360, TIN093, TMA285, TMA881, TMA947, TME285, TME290, TMS016, TMS088, TMS165) 22.5 credits of stated courses are required for the degree
- 2 Recommendation: The course is normally followed during the second year of the Masters programme (ENM140, FKA121, KMG060, MTF073, MVE095, RRY025, TDA251, TDA507, TIF160, TIF181, TIF290, TIF295, TIN093, TMA881, TMA947, TMS165)
- DIG: Digital examination is an examination written in the Inspera system. The student will bring their own computer and access the exam via Safe exam browser.
- E: The only module in the course. Module grade and grade for the course are reported at the same time.
- S: Final grade. All module grades are reported before the final grade for the course can be reported.