Welcome back to Chalmers! We hope you had a great experience studying abroad. There are several things you need to do to finalise your exchange. On this page you will find information about transfer of credits and how to write your travel report.
Transfer of credits
It is important to get your credits transferred when you finish your exchange. To do this, you need the original transcript of records from the partner university. It is your responsibility to keep track of who gets the original transcript of records, it can either be sent to you or the International coordinator at Chalmers.
When the original transcript of records is in place, it is time for you to apply for credit transfer. Remember that you must apply for credit transfer yourself. This is not done automatically.
More information about transfer of credits can be found through the dedicated page about this on Chalmers.se, see link below.

About transfer of credits
As a student who has studied at a Swedish or foreign institution, you can apply to have some of your education credited towards your degree.
Travel report
All students participating in Chalmers’ exchange programs must write a travel report (in English) after completing their exchange. The travel report will be published in the Search Portal and may be very helpful to future students.
There is an exemption from this for students on exchange in Taiwan who ran the Asia Magazine.
Deadlines to submit the travel report
- Students who have been on exchange for a whole year or the spring semester must submit their travel report no later than 10 September.
- Students who have been on exchange during the autumn semester must submit their travel report no later than 1 March.
Your travel report must be submitted electronically by filling in the “Travel Report” form in the MoveOn portal.
Your travel report must incorporate the following aspects: