Once you have been accepted, you have to prepare yourself for the upcoming exchange. Here you will find information about what you need to think about.

You will receive information by email about which documents to complete and when these must be uploaded/submitted. There is a great deal of administrative work involved in arranging exchange studies and, as a student, you are required to take responsibility by familiarising yourself with the process so that you do not miss anything.
Travelling within Europe - the Erasmus+ exchange programme
The following points apply to those travelling within Europe and under the Erasmus+ exchange programme.
- Carefully review the checklist for exchange studies through Erasmus.
- Fill out a Study Plan with courses and send it via email to the Director of Studies. You can find the Study Plan template below under “Forms and Manuals.”
- Once your Study Plan is approved by the Director of Studies, proceed to complete the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) in the MoveOn portal. Instructions for filling out the OLA are also available below under “Forms and Manuals.” You’ll need the ISCED codes, which can be found in the Search Portal.
- Submit the Arrival and Departure Form when you arrive at the partner institution, and when you leave.
The necessary forms are available in MoveOn. For Erasmus exchanges, we’ve consolidated everything into the Erasmus-portal.
Forms and manuals

For those going outside Europe - the Global Exchange exchange programme
- Study plan – document
- Fill out a form including courses and send via email to your director of studies
- Agreement form (agreement between Chalmers and students admitted to an exchange programme).
All forms in MoveOn related to the exchange (Including thous to Switzerland) have been collected in to one portal: MoveON-portal.

Some countries (outside the EU/EEC) require a student visa. You will receive information from our partner universities on how and when to apply for this. It is important to follow their instructions and submit your visa application on time. If you are an international student, you may also need a visa for studies within the EU/ESS. In this case, you should contact the Swedish Migration Agency for help determining what applies in your specific case.
During your exchange, you will be insured through Chalmers, under the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s Student OUT insurance. This insurance is valid two weeks before the start of your exchange and two weeks after it ends. The insurance also applies 24 hours a day. It is important to understand that the insurance is only valid in the destination country of your studies. Thus, if you plan to travel around, you must take supplementary insurance (you must arrange this yourself).
More information about the Student OUT insurance and what it covers
Students going on exchange within Europe through the Erasmus+ exchange programme will get a grant from the Erasmus+ programme. The grant varies depending on the actual destination of the exchange and the semester of exchange but is around 510-560 euros per month. The scholarship is calculated based on the number of days you are physically present at the host institution studying
Find out more on UHR/Erasmus+
Students going on exchange outside of Europe through the Global Exchange programme will be awarded a grant from Chalmers. This is SEK 15,000 per semester. For a year, the amount is SEK 30,000. You may (if eligible) apply to CSN for studies abroad; this is done directly via CSN’s website. If you have questions about CSN and exchange studies, please consult CSN directly. Grants from Erasmus+ or direct from Chalmers should not be counted as income when you complete the CSN form.
Information for those going on exchange to Switzerland: If you will do your exchange at ETH Zürich or EPF Lausanne you will get the Erasmus grant. If you will do your exchange at one of our other partner universities in Switzerland you will not be able to apply for the Erasmus grant, instead you will get the same scholarship amount as students going on exchange within Global Exchange. You will receive more information from your international coordinator once you are admitted to an exchange place.
Extra scholarship for inclusion of students with fewer possibilities and for green travel (top-up)
The Erasmus+ program aims to give more students the opportunity to go on exchange. Therefore, there is an extra scholarship to apply for if you have a disability, have children, if you have a current or previous status as refugee or a subsidiary protection status in Sweden or want to travel green to the exchange destination.
Extra scholarship for students with a documented disability, children and students with a current or previous status as refugee or a subsidiary protection status in Sweden (top-up)
In addition to the regular Erasmus scholarship, students with a documented disability, children, or students with a current or previous status as refugee or a subsidiary protection status in Sweden can apply to receive an extra scholarship of 250 euros per month.
If you have a documented disability, you need to be able to support this by being able to show your Nais certificate that you have received when you applied for study support at Chalmers. If you receive support directly from the municipality you can also show this decision as proof. If you have children (regardless of whether the children accompany you on the exchange), you need to be able to show a family certificate from the Swedish Tax Agency. If you have a current or previous status as refugee (according to the Refugee Convention) or a subsidiary protection status in Sweden (according to national regulation), you need to be able to show a decision from the Swedish Migration Agrency.
To be able to take part in the extra scholarship, you need to apply for it in MoveOn in the same application as for the regular Erasmus+ scholarship.
Additional allowance for limited opportunities to participate in exchange (inclusion support)
If your exchange abroad entails additional costs that are not covered by the extra scholarship amount, you can also apply for an additional grant for actual costs. This applies to students with limited opportunities to participate in exchange activities and where an exchange leads to extra costs for you.
You can apply for both an extra scholarship (top-up) and the additional grant (inclusion support). The additional grant can cover the increased costs that Chalmers or you as a student get and that are not financed in any other way. This could be, for example, note-taking support, transportation, physical adaptations and aids, adapted accommodation, assistance/companion, care or the like in the host country.
Contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at Chalmers (erasmus@chalmers.se) if you want to discuss the possibility of applying for inclusion support. Before we apply, we will discuss your individual needs for support together with the coordinator for disability study support.
Extra scholarship for green travel
If you travel green to and from the host university, you can receive a one-time top-up of 50 euros and up to four extra scholarship travel days. According to the EU, green travel is counted as train, bus, or carpooling (with at least two people in the car). You need to be able to show receipts after the end of the exchange to take part in the extra scholarship for green travel. You apply for an extra scholarship for green travel in MoveOn in the regular application for the Erasmus+ scholarship.
Support for students with disabilities
Contact the educational support coordinator at Chalmers who will help you provide certification of the support you currently receive at Chalmers. You must then send this to the partner university, to ensure you get the right help during your exchange.

Check list for outgoing exchange students with disabilities
We have put together this handy checklist, so you don't forget anything. The checklist is compiled by the educational support coordinator.