At the end of each course or module, your knowledge will be tested in the form of a summative assessment. The most common mode of assessment is a written examination. There may also be laboratory sessions involving documentation such as reports, oral presentations, project work or academic papers.

Before examination
At Chalmers, you must be signed up for an exam in order to take it. You will be automatically signed up for the ordinary exam session, if you are registered on the current course instance. When taking a re-sit exam, you must sign up for the exam yourself in Ladok. You are always responsible for checking that you are signed up for exams.

Find examination dates
Examination dates for first exam, re-sit exam 1 and re-sit exam 2 are published in June for courses in study period 1 and 2 (the autumn semester). The examination dates for courses in study period 3 and 4 (the spring semester) are published in December.

During and after the examination session
Here you will find practical information about what happens on the examination day. How to find the examination hall, what applies in the hall, how you can prepare and other important things to know. We also describe what happens after the examination and when you can get your exam back.

Collecting your marked examination
Once the examiner has marked your examination paper and the results have been reported in Ladok, you can collect the paper from the department that ran the course.