Nuclear power plants have been a major asset since the mid-70s for decarbonizing electricity generation and for decreasing the reliance on fossil fuel. However, during the operation of these plants, a large inventory of radioactive materials accumulates, which poses a potential severe hazard to society and the environment. Therefore, it is important to design and operate nuclear power plants with stringent safety requirements, so that radioactive releases to the environment are avoided or, in case of a severe accident, minimized. In the course, you will understand the principles of nuclear safety, the assessment of the risk associated with nuclear energy, and the implementation of safety in nuclear reactors.
General information
The course is an elective (7.5 ECTS) and does not belong to a specific educational program. It includes the following topics:
- Introduction to nuclear power reactor safety. The main nuclear power reactor designs are described together with their working principles. The objective of nuclear safety, the concept of defense in depth, and regulations are discussed.
- Risk assessment. The approach used to evaluate the risk associated with nuclear power plants is discussed, and the basics of probabilistic risk assessment are introduced.
- Safety analysis. The discussion is focused on anticipated occurrences and accidents that are relevant to the design of nuclear reactors and to the demonstration of their safety. Simplified models are introduced to illustrate the physical response of nuclear reactors to possible failures. Examples of real accidents are examined.
In the course, different learning activities are blended, such as lectures on basic concepts, discussions on case studies, and exercises, allowing you to develop an in-depth understanding of nuclear power safety. The sessions are usually organized on Friday afternoons.
For more information, please contact: Assoc. Prof. Paolo Vinai vinai@chalmers.se
The course is open to M.Sc. students and Ph.D. students, and to, e.g., ERASMUS M.Sc. students, Chalmers Alumni, and professionals active in Sweden. The course is mainly directed at students and professionals with an engineering background, and it does not require prior preparation or knowledge in nuclear engineering.
How to apply
Apply at universityadmissions.se/antagning.se. Search for TRA435.
Alumni, PhD students and professionals apply by email to Paolo Vinai, vinai@chalmers.se
Teacher: Assoc. Prof. Paolo Vinai
Course dates: The course stretches over study period 3-4, starting in the academic year 2024/2025
Credits: 7.5 ECTS (Advanced level)
Application deadline:
Course code: TRA435