Modern Energy Technologies and Systems

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A deeper understanding of tomorrow’s energy systems and how these can tackle climate change is increasingly important. All carbon-neutral energy sources are required, and this course describes various such technologies, their advantages/disadvantages and their interdependencies. You will be able to understand how these technologies work and how they contribute to some of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

General information

The course is an elective interdisciplinary course worth 7.5 ECTS which is not included in any other educational program. The course stretches over an entire year. Each theme is given on a 4-week study cycle, each representing 25 hours of in-class and out-of-class activities. The in-class activities are organized on Friday afternoons.

The course covers eight broad themes:
• Energy and transport systems
• Bioenergy and power-to-fuel
• Hydropower technology
• Wind power technology
• Solar power technology
• Nuclear power technology
• Batteries, fuel cells and electrolysis
• Environmental economics and energy policy

The course is a flipped course which means that self-paced learning elements are provided on each theme, followed by teacher-led interactive sessions promoting active learning. By applying the learned concepts on practical examples, you will develop an in-depth understanding of the various technologies.

For more information, please contact: Prof. Christophe Demazière.

You may also contact any of the other teachers involved in the course: Assoc. Prof. Maria Grahn, Prof. Håkan Nilsson, Dr. Sara Fogelström, Prof. Anders Hellman, Assoc. Prof. Björn Wickman and Prof. Sonia Yeh


The course is open to all 2nd and 3rd year students (BSc level). Other attendees could also be, e.g., MSc and ERASMUS students. The course is first and foremost directed to students learning engineering. Basic knowledge in thermodynamics is advantageous.

How to apply

You make your course selection at (or for corresponding webpage in Swedish). Read more here.

For all other persons, apply through this form (


Teacher: Christophe Demazière
Course dates: The course stretches over an entire year, study period 1-4, starting in September 2025
Credits: 7.5 ECTS (Basic level), (MTS-course)

Course code: TRA355
Application deadline: