In most programmes at Chalmers, you can make one or several course selections. The programme overview defines if and when this applies in your programme. You are responsible for selecting courses that contribute to fulfilling the degree requirements for your programme. Make sure to be oriented on the information on this page and any specific course selection information shared by your programme.
Important note!
The information on this page does not apply to incoming exchange students. Incoming exchange students should contact Chalmers International Mobility for questions about course selection.
Upcoming course selections
Course selection within Chalmers’ study programmes takes place four times a year.
Should I make a course selection?
- Students that have compulsory elective/elective courses in their programme overview for the study period need to make a course selection. If this applies to you, you will receive course selection information from your programme around the time the course selection opens.
Tracks courses are also available for application in the course selection.
Read more about Tracks courses.
In the following cases, you should not make a course selection
- If you have been newly admitted to a master’s programme you should normally not make a course selection for study period 1, first semester.
- You should not select compulsory courses in your programme overview; you only have to register for them in Ladok during the period for registration.
- Students in programmes that only have compulsory courses in the programme overview in the study period should not make a course selection at all.
- If you have already taken a course, but not passed, and want to re-take it, you should not make a course selection. Instead you need to re-register for the course in Ladok. If the course is no longer running, special rules apply. More information is available on the course registration page.
To keep in mind when selecting courses
- In the programme overview, you see which courses are included in your program. It states which courses are compulsory or compulsory elective and required for your degree and which courses are elective in your programme.
- You are responsible for selecting courses that contribute to meeting the degree requisites for your programme. If you select a course outside of your programme overview it is important that you make sure that it can be included in your degree. It should, for example, not overlap other courses that are included in your programme overview. If you are uncertain, please contact your director of studies.
- In the course syllabus you can see the prerequisites for the course. You are responsible for ensuring that you meet the prerequisites for the courses you apply for.
- In the course syllabus you can also see if the course has a maximum number of participants. Always select reserve course/-s if you select a course/courses with a maximum number of participants.
- You should plan your courses according to the block schedule.
- If you are required to study full-time in each study period (mainly for fee-paying students), you need to pay attention to the pace of study in each study period if you choose courses that run over several study periods (e.g. some Track courses). If you choose a course that runs over several study periods, you may need to study more than full-time to fulfil the requirement.
How to select courses
You make your course selection at universityadmissions.se (or antagning.se for corresponding webpage in Swedish). Please make sure that you have the correct email address registered at universityadmissions.se, otherwise you will not receive the notification of results.
If you select a Tracks course you may need to upload a motivational letter, and in some cases a CV, to your application.
It is possible to select maximum 8 courses. Keep in mind that if you select 8 courses you will not be able to add any courses in the late selection period.
Prioritize your courses
The course/courses you prefer should always be placed at the top of your list, followed by any reserve/back-up course(s). You will be admitted to a maximum number of credits, corresponding to your programme overview. In the system, any lower priority courses are deleted automatically when the maximum admission limit is reached.

After the course selection
Last day to select courses at 11.59 PM – the course selection closes. Then a selection is made among all applicants. You will receive a notification of selection results with the course(s) you have been offered, see dates above.
Reserve/waiting list
A student who is not offered a seat is placed on a reserve list. The ranking in the reserve list is based on which selection group you belong to. If a seat becomes available, the first student is offered the seat. If the student declines, the offer goes to the next student on the list, and so on.
You will stay on the waiting list unless you withdraw from the list. You will not lose your place on the waiting list by registering for a lower ranked course in Ladok.
Compulsory registration in Ladok
During the registration period you must register in Ladok on the courses you have been admitted to. You will lose your place in the course if you do not register in time.
Late application
If you miss the deadline for the course selection, you may still apply for courses during the late application period. Late application is also made at universityadmissions.se.
Not all courses will be open for late application.
Notification of selection results for late applications are sent out continuously, but earliest 3-4 working days after your application.
Do you have questions?
- If you have questions about courses related to your programme, please contact the director of studies for your programme.
- Contact the student guidance counsellor or the director of studies for your programme if don’t see your programme’s elective courses at universityadmissions.se.
- If you are having technical problems with your course selection, please use our contact form.
- If you have other questions, start by looking at our questions and answers about course selection. If you don’t find the answer there, please use the contact form to send your question.

Contact form for course selection
This contact form is mainly for reporting technical problems making your course selection at universityadmissions.se.

Questions and answers about course selection - FAQ
On this page you will find questions and answers about the course selection. You will find general information about course selection on the page Select courses. It is also important that you are oriented on any specific course selection information shared by your programme.

Contacts for master's programmes
Contact details for the Director of the Master's programme, the Director of studies and the Student guidance counsellor.
MTS-kurser och Trackskurser

Humans, technology and society
Alumni from Chalmers will be involved in societal changes that involve both opportunities and risks. Therefore, students need to gain insight into the role of technology in society in their education and to develop ability to take social consequences and ethical issues into account. In order to fulfil this students in all Master of Science in Engineering programmes must include 7.5 credits in the area of “humans, technology, society” (MTS) in their degree. This is a local degree requirement of Chalmers.Read more about MTS-courses on the Swedish page. Use the "Svenska" button to switch versions and read the full text in Swedish.

Select a Tracks course
If you choose a Tracks course at Chalmers, you will meet students and alumni from diverse backgrounds to solve current societal challenges. It can be anything from collaborating on solving issues in the healthcare sector and the transport industry to addressing ethical issues in artificial intelligence. The possibilities are endless.