When you leave Chalmers, it is not just a graduation diploma you take with you. During your time here, you will have acquired other useful knowledge that will help you in your post-academic life.
Shape your education
As a student at Chalmers, you have the possibility to shape your education to fit your ambitions. There is a wide selection of elective courses to choose from, including interdisciplinary ones that you can take together with students from other programmes and alumni. Maybe you are interested in sports and want to include that in your studies? Or maybe you want to be creative and create things as a part of your education? We have done our very best to make sure there is something for everyone, so that you will have the possibility to reach your goals and get the most out of your time at Chalmers.
Opportunities away from Chalmers' campus
A change of environment can provide great inspiration and new ways of acquiring knowledge. Many of our students choose to do internships, or their thesis, at companies. We have great connections with the industry and encourage our students to get a glimpse of “the real world” and network before graduating. There are also opportunities to go abroad to study parts of your programme. Chalmers are collaborating with universities in different parts of the world where you can go to experience something new.

Work placements and international experience
The alliances and networks of which Chalmers is part of provide other opportunities to gain international experience in addition to the Erasmus+ and Global exchange programmes. For example, through work placements (internships/traineeships), summer schools or double degrees. These enable students to gain international experience and broaden their skills.
More than just a degree
When you finish your studies with us, you will have learned to collaborate in highly diverse groups and understand how important you all are to achieving good results. At Chalmers, we value differences and welcome everyone. You will have learned to always think “sustainability” in everything you do. We are always striving to bring about a more sustainable world and there are many ways you can contribute. Moreover, you will have gained knowledge of entrepreneurship, which will help you see and create opportunities. We are convinced that, alongside your degree, all these aspects will prepare you and make you attractive to industry when the time comes for you to leave Chalmers.
An entrepreneurial university
Learn to think new and different! We believe in entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial spirit. For us, this means facing real problems, trying new ideas and making a difference in the world; being open to new ideas and using different kinds of talent to succeed together. Chalmers’ goal within this area is simple; we want to be one of the world’s best universities in entrepreneurship.
When we interact with other people, we can understand their needs and create something of value for them. Thinking entrepreneurially means forming ideas, evaluating them and then choosing an idea that can be executed and presented convincingly within a relevant context. At Chalmers, you will practice this in different projects alongside other students and in collaboration with industry and companies.

Tracks – a unique educational initiative
Tracks are exactly what Chalmers students are offered – tracks between different programmes in the form of optional courses, where the choices are guided by personal interest. The framework of Tracks provides opportunities for individualised study and collaboration.
Focusing on a sustainable future
Our vision for a better world is part of everything that we do. It helps us meet the need for ecological, social and economic sustainability in ways that are ground-breaking and engaging. We are proud of our efforts and want to be an international role model. In your quest to change and improve the world, your strengths will be broad technical competence and unique specialist knowledge. Our close collaboration with industry means you can find and solve real problems in the real world.
Working together
At Chalmers, we often work in teams. This is done partly so that we can learn from each other but also so we can develop our own abilities. Alongside you will be classmates and professors who are researchers in the fields they teach, adding an extra dimension to your education.
At Chalmers, everyone should feel welcome and included. Therefore, we do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment. We are constantly striving for democracy, equality and openness; the kind of environment that benefits everyone and furthers your education.

Student blog: How I made the final decision where to study
When ranking the priority of universities in Sweden's university application system for your master’s, and when choosing your destination university after getting admitted, it is very normal to hesitate. Don’t worry, it’s a necessary checkpoint you are about to pass.

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