Engineers of Sweden

Engineers of Sweden (trade union) manages the Foundation Sveriges Ingenjörers Miljöfond (the Environmental Fund) with annual grants from Swedbank's Humanfond. The purpose of the foundation is to promote projects that aim to improve the physical environment in Sweden and its surroundings. This is done through scholarships that enable students to work on these issues during their thesis work. The goal is for the results of the thesis projects to lead to new ventures, new work opportunities and/or implemented solutions in the physical environment in Sweden.

Who can apply

All students who will write their thesis in spring 2025 are welcome to apply. 
The scholarship amount is SEK 50,000 per thesis.


The application deadline is 10 November 2024. Notification no later than 25 November 2024. 
Application form


There are two basic criteria: 
1) Degree projects are expected to maintain a high scientific quality. 
2) It can be considered probable that the result of the thesis project can solve an environmental problem, i.e. contribute to a green transition and/or solve climate challenges and create a physical application in Sweden. 

Chalmers criteria:
•   The scholarship is granted to the thesis project. If several students are writing together, they share the sum.
•   All students admitted to Chalmers, planning to complete a thesis project within the upcoming calendar year can apply for the scholarship.
•   Certification from the intended examiner/supervisor is needed.
•   The project must be in line with Chalmers' guidelines for thesis projects.
•   Students who are members of Sweden's Engineers have priority for scholarships. (For those who want, there is the option of becoming a member of Sweden's Engineers. Membership costs SEK 180 per year.)
•   The project plan for the thesis project must contain:
a) Background and purpose – justification as to why the thesis should be carried out and explains the issue to be explored. This includes a description of the environmental problems to which the thesis is intended to contribute a solution and why existing solutions are insufficient, i.e. the benefit of the thesis.
b) Expected result: A description of how the result of the thesis is expected to contribute to a solution of the described problem, i.e. what the practical application can look like in Sweden. The description must state what can be achieved within the framework of the thesis project and after the thesis is finished.
c) Recipient of the result, i.e. who, which actor in Sweden might be interested in continuing the work once the thesis work is finished? What does the long-term perspective look like after the thesis project is finished?
d) Method: A general description of how the thesis is intended to be carried out. What needs to be done to achieve the expected result? 
e) Timetable, i.e. when the thesis is planned to be carried out.