Adlerbert Foreign Student Hospitality Foundation

Who can apply

Entitled to apply for Adlerbert Foreign Student Hospitality Foundation are foreign visiting students within undergraduate programs, Master's programs or postgraduate (PHD) studies at Chalmers.
Students who may apply for this scholarship should be studying and enrolled at Chalmers as:
  • International Master's programs
  • Erasmus
  • Nordic exchange programs
  • Guest students
  • PHD
Foreign students who receive Swedish study loan (CSN) or have a permanent residence permit in Sweden are not entitled to apply. 
Note: Students from the University of Gothenburg cannot apply at Chalmers. ​


To receive the scholarship you need to be "active" and fulfill one or more of the following terms:
  • First-time registered on at least one semester during the current academic year.
  • At least 15 credits reported during the current academic year.
  • Registered on PHD studies.
The extent of studies at Chalmers should be at least three months (one term). 


Application period is December 4, 2024 until February 9, 2025​. We do not accept late applications!

Note! Be sure to check that your bank account number is correct given. No spaces between clearing number and account number, no hyphen (-), dots (.) or commas (,) should be used. 

This also applies when you enter your Chalmers ID number (your number YYYYMMDDXXXX in LADOK).

Before submitting your application, make sure that all the given details are correct. 

Link to the digital application form

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if my application is received?
After pressing "send" the following text is shown: "The information has been saved, thank you for your application." This confirms that we have received your application, no email will be sent.

How is the scholarship paid out?
The scholarship will be paid out to a Swedish bank account. If that is not possible an international payment can be done. (make sure that you have given correct Bank information in your application). 

When is the scholarship paid out and how much can I receive?
April, the amount of the scholarship is around 3000 SEK.

What is a Chalmers ID number?
The number you have in the administrative system LADOK. It can consist of only numbers or be a combination of letters and numbers.

I have sent an incorrect application by mistake
If you have made an error in your application, fill out a new one. The last one will be the one we use.


If you have questions, e-mail: