If you are planning an event or a party, you need to report this via form and follow Chalmers' policy and rules.
Submit notification of an event
Notification of all events or gatherings at which alcohol will be consumed in the student section’s serving area must be submitted via the form. One of the rules at such events or gatherings is that there must always be a sober responsible person on site for the entire duration. Chalmers security will check on notified parties when time allows.
Notification of events or gatherings in the student section’s serving area at which alcohol will not be consumed can be submitted via the form; it can be useful for the security guards to know that an is in progress on the premises. Before notification of an event/gathering is submitted, the use of the premises must have been approved in compliance with the student section’s routines.
Form for notification of arrangement (in Swedish)
Other events
If you would like to borrow a different room, or an area outside on the Chalmers campus, please refer to the webpage Book rooms, common areas and group rooms
Procedure for pre-registration of manifestations on campus
Organisers must send a request to carry out manifestations or political demonstrations within Chalmers campus and premises in advance. Political manifestation means an organised gathering or opinion-forming activity with the aim of presenting an opinion of a political nature. The request is sent to Chalmers' Records manager, registrator@chalmers.se
The pre-registration must contain:
- Organiser (organisation and/or responsible person) and contact details
- Event name
- Purpose and format
- Time and place of the event
- Expected number of participants
- Other matters of importance for the assessment of the registration
The process aims to come to an agreement with the organiser on frameworks for the implementation through a dialogue where time, place, format, and so on, are discussed and that any measures to ensure a safe, open and inclusive environment at the event are taken as well as communication of the activity.
Rules on campus
Swedish alcohol legislation applies on campus. Among other things, this means that training in responsible handling of alcohol, “SUS” training, and a license from the municipality’s licensing unit are required for permission to serve alcohol. The licensing unit’s permanent license to serve alcohol, which also includes permission to serve it to the general public, only applies in the student union building.
On campus, there are three other pubs with a permanent license, but that is limited to serving students:
- Kajsabaren in Elektrohuset
- Golden-I in the Vasa area
- 11:an on the Lindholmen campus
Apart from these, only temporary licenses to serve alcohol are issued. Each student section can be issued up to 12 temporary licenses per year. The students and staff who are responsible for a party must go on a SUS training course about responsible handling of alcohol, and they must be sober.
To submit notification of an event in the section room’s service area or to book outdoor areas and other university premises.
Alcohol and drugs
A workplace that is free of alcohol and drugs is a prerequisite for a good working environment. Work and studies do not go together with alcohol and drugs. Chalmers does not accept employees, students or anyone else working at Chalmers being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in their work or studies.
Overall principles for Chalmers campuses regarding alcohol and drugs:
- Alcohol-free alternatives must always be available
- People must not be pressurised to drink alcohol
- At work or in your studies you must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- We get involved and take responsibility when a student or colleague shows signs of a high consumption of alcohol
- The attitudes aim to support an open discussion about health related to alcohol and drugs
- The university has a restrictive approach to allowing private individuals, both colleagues and students, to use premises
Chalmers Student Union’s policy documents
In an emergency, ring 112
In an emergency, to alert an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police, ring 112. If the event organiser needs help from Chalmers security, ring 031-7724499. All events must be organised in a way that minimises the risk of incidents that require emergency assistance.

Safety and emergency situations
Read more here.