Residence permit

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Students at Chalmers campus Johanneberg

When you are admitted, you can start your application for a residence permit for studies. If you are a citizen of a country other then the EU/EEA and plan to study for a longer period than three months, you need a residence permit. The application is submitted at the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) website. As an EU/EEA citizen you have the right of residence in Sweden and may study without a residence permit. 

Applying for a residence permit for studies

When you are admitted, your proof is your Notification of Selection Results (can be referred to as Admission decision, Admission Letter and Letter of Acceptance​) at your account at

Make your application online at the Swedish Migration Agency website. Take note that the application process of a residence permit is between an applicant/student and Swedish Migration Agency. Unfortunately, Chalmers is unable to influence, represent an applicant/student, or be involved in the application process.

The Swedish Migration Agency can have long processing times. You must submit your application before the 15th of June.
Chalmers recommends that you:
•    Plan ahead by reading the Swedish Migration Agency's webpage and gather all necessary documentation in advance.
•    Submit your application with all documents on the first attempt. If the migration agency needs to ask you for supplementary documents, the process will take longer, and you might not receive your decision in time to be able to start your studies.

You can state Chalmers admissions, and phone: +46 31 7722590 as your contact. Do not enter the personal name of an employee at Chalmers.

If you have not received a decision from Swedish Migration Agency before the semester begins and you have submitted your application after 15th June, then you will not be able to get a reimbursement of tuition fees paid. Read the conditions for reimbursement Tuition fees.

What you must do to apply for a residence permit

There are a few different things you must do and criteria you must meet to apply for a residence permit for studies:

Apply for a resi­dence permit for studies in higher educa­tion

You can find information and step-by-step instructions on how to apply on the Swedish Migration Agency's website.

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5 tips to increase your chances of a deci­sion before the semester

There are a few things that you can do in order for your application process to go as smoothly as possible. Watch this video to learn more!

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Extension of your residence permit

If you need to extend your residence permit you should apply online at the Swedish Migration Agency web site.

An application for extension should be submitted while the current permit is still valid and at the earliest six months before it expires.

There are different certificates from Chalmers to support your application. They contain inform about your studies and study situation. 

If you need guidance, please contact your study guidance counsellor. 

Extend your resi­dence permit for higher educa­tion

If you have a residence permit and intend to continue studying after your permit expires, you must apply for an extension.

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During your studies

Since you are expected to study full-time (100%) during all semesters it is important not to make changes that could affect your study plan and thus put your residence permit at risk. Contact your Study guidance counsellor if you have any questions.

Study breaks (leave of absence)

Regarding a study break (leave of absence) from your studies contact your Study guidance counsellor.
Withdrawal from studies, Transfer of Master's programme, Leave of absence (

When you want to resume your studies you must contact Study guidance counsellor for information and certificates regarding your Study situation and Study plan. You must apply for a new Residence permit for studies in higher education (not an extension).

Please note that it takes several months for the Swedish migration agency to process an application.

Frequently asked ques­tions about studying in Sweden

Student support

Contact information to your student guidance counsellor for every educational programme.

Residence permit for work, during and after studies

Admitted students with a residence permit for studies are allowed to work according to Swedish law, but a prerequisite for this residence permit is full-time studies on a programme or course. Chalmers’ master's programmes require you to study full-time, day-time (the rate of study is 100%). This can be difficult to combine with work, as you are required to be present at the university to participate in lectures, labs, project assignments and examinations. 

If you wish to stay in Sweden after your studies and find a job, you can do so for up to 12 months. There is a specific residence permit for that purpose.

Resi­dence permit for looking for work after studies

If you have a residence permit for studies in higher education in Sweden and have completed your studies, you can get a residence permit to seek employment or explore the possibilities of starting your own business here.

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