Contacts for Master's programmes

Here you will find contact information for our Master's programmes. 

Each programme has its own programme management, consisting of three functions, listed in the following order:

- A Director of the Master's programme
- A Director of studies
- A Student guidance counsellor

Applied mechanics (MPAME)

Architecture and planning beyond sustainability (MPDSD)

Architecture and urban design (MPARC)

Biotechnology (MPBIO)

Complex adaptive systems (MPCAS)

Computer science-algorithms, languages and logic (MPALG)

Computer systems and networks (MPCSN)

Data science and AI (MPDSC)

Design and construction project management (MPDCM)

Embedded electronic system design (MPEES)

Engineering mathematics and computational science (MPENM)

Entrepreneurship and business design (MPBDP)

High-performance computer systems (MPHPC)

Industrial design engineering (MPDES)

Industrial ecology (MPTSE)

Information and communication technology​ (MPICT​)

Infrastructure and environmental engineering (MPIEE)

Innovative and sustainable chemical engineering (MPISC)

Interaction design and technologies (MPIDE)

Lärande och ledarskap (MPLOL)

Management and economics of innovation (MPMEI)

Maritime management (MPMAR)

Materials chemistry (MPMCN)

Materials engineering (MPAEM)

Biomedical Engineering (MPMED)

Mobility engineering (MPMOB)

Nanotechnology (MPNAT)

Physics (MPPHS)

Product development (MPPDE)

Production engineering (MPPEN)

Quality and operations management (MPQOM)

Software engineering and technology (MPSOF)

Sound and vibration (MPSOV)

Structural engineering and building technology (MPSEB)

Supply chain management (MPSCM)

Sustainable electric power engineering and electromobility (MPEPO)

Sustainable energy systems (MPSES)

Systems, control and mechatronics (MPSYS)

Wireless, photonics and space engineering (MPWPS)

Freestanding courses

For questions regarding freestanding courses, please contact the study and carreer guidance.

Study and career guidance