Would you like to come to us as an exchange student? Great! But first, check with your home university if there is an exchange agreement between it and Chalmers. If yes, then the information below can be of great interest to you!

Course catalogue for exchange students
All master’s level courses and some at bachelor’s level are taught in English. You can search for courses in the Study portal which you can find on this page: Find course and programme syllabi
When searching the following hint and tips could be helpful:
- Use the filter to find courses in English that are open to exchange students. Tick the box “Open to exchange students”
- Choose education cycle: first cycle (bachelor’s) or second cycle (master’s)
- Choose teaching language: English
Individual project or bachelor’s/master’s thesis for exchange students
Nominated exchange students are primarily encouraged to take courses whilst studying at Chalmers. The opportunities for doing project work or writing master’s theses with us are limited, depending on the department. Some departments have the capacity to supervise exchange students, while others do not. Students who intend to conduct project work or write a master’s thesis should contact the relevant international coordinator at Chalmers International mobility (CIM).
Please note: all proposed individual project work and master’s or bachelor’s theses must be arranged at the nomination stage.

Tracks – a unique educational initiative
Tracks is a unique educational initiative regarding learning and learning environments that prepares the university for the needs of tomorrow. Tracks are exactly what Chalmers students are offered – tracks between different programmes in the form of elective courses, where the choices are guided by personal interest. The framework of Tracks provides opportunities for individualised study and collaboration between students, industry, the community and academia.
Recommended language proficiency
Exchange students coming to us must be able to communicate (orally and in writing), understand lectures, participate in group work, and write reports and exams, all in English. We recommend students to have at least a level of B2 in English. No language certificate is however required.
Please note that we do not provide any Swedish language classes. If you would like to learn Swedish you find some information here: Learning Swedish

Nomination and application
It is required that your home university nominate you for exchange studies with us. Normally, you must apply for exchange studies at your home university to be able to be nominated. Please contact your home university if you are uncertain about this process.
If you are nominated to Chalmers for exchange studies, you will receive more detailed information regarding the online application. The application deadline is 1st of May for studies during the Autumn semester or full academic year and 1st of November for studies during the Spring semester. The result of the application is announced around five weeks after the deadline of the application.
Practical information
Erasmus+ Internship – for prospective incoming trainees
Please contact the individual Chalmers departments for your subject area and ask them about opportunities for departmental interns. You will need to find a suitable supervisor and contact for your internship in the relevant department. Interns are not considered students. Thus, internship inquiries and arrangements are made by the department.
Interns are not registered as exchange students at Chalmers. This means that interns will:
- not get any ECTS credits for their internship;
- not be able to join the Students’ Union or gain access to its student discounts;
- not be covered by Kammarkollegiet’s student insurance;
- not be eligible to apply for student housing.
Information about academic departments at Chalmers is available at:
Departments at Chalmers University of Technology
All documentation shall be handled and signed by the department. Note that Chalmers will not be able to sign any online learning agreements for incoming interns.
Information about outgoing exchange studies

Exchange studies and international opportunities
Already a student here and want to go out on an exchange? Here you can find information on what opportunities there are for you and how to apply for exchange studies.