Chalmers arranges a reception twice a year for all new students arriving in January and in August. In January it is a smaller event, Orientation Day. In the autumn it is a larger event, Orientation week. Both events are arranged by Chalmers together with CIRC (Chalmers International Reception Committee). This is our common way to welcome all new students and help you into your life at Chalmers.
Participate in our receptions
Participation in our receptions are voluntary and highly recommended. They are an opportunity to make new friends, get to know your fellow students, kick-start your studies and feel at home, while having fun. By taking part of the reception, you will be assigned to a phadder group. Phadders are students who will help you with settling in at Chalmers and in Gothenburg.

Spring reception
In the January reception there will be several events for the new exchange students. Your first day here is important for the start of your studies. We will do everything we can to make sure you get on well and feel at home.

Autumn reception
In the autumn reception in August there will be several events for all new students. Your first days here are important for the start of your studies. We will do everything we can to make sure you get on well and feel at home.
We hope you will have a wonderful reception, warm welcome to Chalmers!