Chalmers awards different types of degrees, both professional degrees with different specialisations and general degrees in several main fields of study. The requirements for a degree are determined by the system of qualifications. The educational programmes are designed to lead to different degrees.
Chalmers’ system of qualifications applies
The government decides which degrees a higher education institution may award. In addition, every university and higher education institution can make decisions relating to specific local regulations and titles of degrees and establish the main fields of study. The degree requirements for a particular degree are thus regulated in both a national system of qualifications, which forms annex 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), and the supplementary local degree requirements decided by Chalmers, all of which are included in Chalmers’ local system of qualifications. The requirements can change and make it difficult to obtain a degree if you have waited a long time to apply.
Chalmers’ local qualifications framework, one for Bachelor’s and Master’s level and one for doctoral level, specify which degrees Chalmers may award and what our main fields of study are. They also include objectives and degree requirements for each degree, such as the requirement for MHU and MTS credits or architectural design project credits. Together with the syllabuses for each programme, they determine what you need to have studied to get a degree.

Chalmers’ educational structure
Sweden follows the Bologna model to facilitate comparisons of degrees within Europe. It is based on three years of Bachelor’s studies at first-cycle level (180 credits) and two years of Master’s studies at second-cycle level (120 credits).
At Chalmers, the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes can, in the right combination, also lead to a second-cycle professional degree (300 credits), such as a Master of Architecture or MSc in Engineering in different specialisations. But this is only if you are following the syllabus of one of the five-year basic programmes for engineers or architects (given in Swedish) and a Master’s programme accredited to the basic programme. Only then you can obtain a professional qualification at Master’s level from Chalmers.
Chalmers Study portal
Contacts for master's programmes
Educational programmes at Chalmers
Chalmers also has programmes at Bachelor’s level (180 credits) for various professional degrees, plus programmes that provide a general Bachelor’s degree (180 credits) for various different main fields of study (all given in Swedish).
In order to graduate from Chalmers you have to apply for one of our study programmes. The language of instruction is found within parentheses. Chalmers offer study programmes which leads to the following degrees:
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Swedish)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (Swedish)
- Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science (Swedish)
- Bachelor of Science (Swedish)
- Master of Architecture (Arkitektexamen, 300 credits) (Swedish/English)
- Master of Science in Engineering (Civilingenjör, 300 credits) (Swedish/English)
- Master of Science (120 credits) (English) *
* Please note that the degree Master of Science (120 credits) does not correspond to a Master of Architecture (Arkitektexamen, 300 credits) or a Master of Science in Engineering (Civilingenjör, 300 credits).
Main fields of study at Chalmers
You will find your Master’s programmes’ main field(s) of study in the study programme syllabus for the academic year that you were admitted. Find programme overview for your programme. There you'lll also find the programme syllabus and main field of study under the heading Degree.
What can be included in the degree?
Completed, non-overlapping university-level courses, not already included in a degree that establishes previous knowledge, may be included in your degree. Local requirements such as level and main field of study, which the syllabuses help you with, must also be met. The study counsellor or your programme’s director of studies will help you if you have any questions about the content of your degree.
Contacts for master's programmes
Transferring credits from other institutions
Credits for courses taken at other higher education institutions in Sweden or abroad can be transferred to your degree if the studies are relevant to the programme you have taken or can fill a free elective space. The relevance of the studies will be examined, decided upon and documented by the Director of Studies for the programme. The credit must be entered in Ladok and will appear as credited studies.
Page Transferring credits
Courses may not overlap
When two or more courses have the same or partly the same content, they overlap. In such cases, they may not be included together in a degree.
No courses beyond the degree in the certificate
Only courses required to meet degree requirements will be included in your degree and printed on your degree certificate. If you have more credits at Chalmers and there is an elective space in your degree, you can choose which courses to include. You can print out a transcript of records with the other courses to attach to your degree certificate.