Paper printout of digital degree certificate

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Treat yourself to a nice printout of your digital diploma! Pay here and forward the receipt with attached e-stamped pdf to Chalmers digital printing. Pick up at Chalmers Servicecenter or have it sent to you. A printout cannot replace your digital file with e-stamp when you need to verify your degree but can be a nice keepsake.

Paper as souvenir

If you received your degree certificate digitally, you have the option of ordering a printout from Chalmers digital printing at a cost. Please note that the paper printout is not a legal document. The pdf file downloaded from Ladok for students is the actual degree certificate and is verified with an e-stamp.

Still, it can be nice to have a printout of the diploma with the Chalmers Avancez-emblem in gold in a beautiful folder. You can either have it sent to your home or collect the printout from Chalmers Servicecenter. Pay in the webshop and then email your order to Chalmers digital printing. Within a week, your printout can be collected or sent. During parts of the summer however, Chalmers digital printing (week 28-31) and Servicecenter (week 26-32) are closed. This is how you order a printout in the Chalmers webshop:

Pay in the webshop

You choose what you want to order and pay in the Chalmers webshop. You can pay with VISA, MasterCard or ApplePay. It takes about a week before the print is ready. Chalmers digital printing are closed during the weeks 28-31 every summer, and the order will take longer.

You can choose one or more prints. The number of prints affects the weight and thus the postage. If you choose three printouts, it can either mean three copies of the same degree or a printout of each of three different degrees. Which pdf files you attach shows us what you are ordering. You can also explain your order, if necessary, when you forward your receipt email to Chalmers digital printing.

Email Chalmers digital printing

When you have paid, a receipt will be sent to your email address. Forward your receipt email with the pdf file(s) you want printed attached to Chalmers digital printing. The pdf files should be the e-stamped diplomas downloaded from Ladok for students.

Enter address and receive letter

The address you provided will be stated in the receipt you forward to Chalmers digital printing. Make sure your name is on the door/mailbox unless the address holds a c/o name. If your letter is to be sent abroad and your country doesn’t use the Latin alphabet please write your address in local letters in your email. Within Sweden, printouts are sent with PostNord's Skicka Hem (Send Home) service. Abroad it is sent by registered letter.

Pick up at the Servicecenter

If you chose to pick up the printout yourself at Chalmers Servicecenter, you will receive an email when the printout is ready. Chalmers Servicecenter is located in Kårhuset with an entrance facing Chalmersplatsen.

During the summer, Chalmers Servicecenter is closed and the printout can be collected directly from Chalmers digital printing as long as they are open. They are located in the SB3-buildning at the entrance to FUSE from Betongvägen 9.

Photo of printout of a digital diploma

About the printout

The paper used is Swedish archival paper 100 g. The Avancez-emblem on the first page of the diploma and DS are printed in gold color and each print is placed in a nice folder. Everything is sent in a cardboard envelope. The last page in your digital degree certificate describes the e-stamp. This page is not included in the printout because a printed diploma no longer has an e-stamp that can be verified.

Digital diplomas only

Printouts can only be ordered of digitally issued degree certificates. These began to be issued on 1 April 2024 and only for degrees at Bachelor's and Master's level. If you have received your diploma on paper, you have received the original. No more prints are made. We have a saved archive copy that you can get a copy of if for some reason you lost your original.

Order archival copy of paper degree certificate

There is no need for a printout to verify your digital diploma. To verify your degree, send your e-stamped pdf file or share information about your degree with a code.

Verify education and degree