Graduation ceremonies followed by a graduation dinner are organised by Chalmers University of Technology to pay tribute to the achievements of newly graduated architects, sea captains, naval engineers, civil engineers, Masters of Science in Engineering and also graduates in the programmes that conclude with a Bachelor's degree.

Share your story!
This is an invitation to graduates to share their accomplishments! We would like to see students’ photos from the graduation ceremony on Instagram and other social media using hashtag #wearechalmers and tag @chalmers.university in your stories.
Four ceremonies each year
Graduation ceremonies are held four times a year: in winter, spring and two in the autumn. You must have received your degree certificate and an invitation to be able to register. The invitation is sent by e-mail, to the address registered in Ladok.
2025 Spring Ceremony
12 April 2025 – for students whose degree certificates have been issued no later than 31 January 2025, having been awarded their degrees between October 2024 and January 2025.
Location: RunAn Conference Hall.
Invitations are sent out at the end of February/beginning of March with a registration link.
2025 Autumn Ceremony 1
20 September 2025 – for students who were awarded their degrees between February and April 2025 and whose degree certificates have been issued no later than 30 April 2025.
Location: RunAn Conference Hall.
Invitations are sent out at the end of beginning of August with a registration link.
2025 Autumn Ceremony 2
22 November 2025 – for students who were awarded their degrees between May and July 2025 and whose degree certificates have been issued no later than 31 July 2025.
Location: RunAn Conference Hall.
Invitations are sent out at the end of September with a registration link.
2026 Winter Ceremony
24 January 2026 – for students who were awarded their degrees between August and October 2025 and whose degree certificates have been issued no later than 31 October 2025.
Location: RunAn Conference Hall.
Invitations are sent out at the end of November/beginning of December with a registration link.

Degree certificate
To participate in the graduation ceremony, graduates need to have their degree certificates issued by the Office of Degrees. Before an application is submitted, it is important to check the following:
- that the courses and degree projects required for the student’s degree have been reported with their final marks;
- that any changes of course and credits from other institutions have been approved by the student’s educational programme;
- that the student’s membership fee to the Chalmers Student Union has been paid.
NOTE! The Office of Degrees processing time is about eight weeks. An application that is incomplete, or where the study results or credit calculations are missing, may be rejected.

Apply for a degree certificate
You are welcome to apply for your certificate once you have completed your studies and your papers are in order. The Student Union fees must be paid and your contact details updated.
About the ceremony
The ceremony begins with the Chalmers anthem. The University President gives a welcome speech, after which the ceremony continues with entertainment alternating with speeches to the new graduates. The participants step up on to the stage, in groups, to receive a diploma from the President. The diploma is a memento of the day and does not fulfil any formal function. The degree certificate is proof of a student’s degree.
The act of going up on one side of the stage and (after receiving the diploma as a sign of the student’s new rank as graduate) going down on the other side, symbolises how graduates can now progress in life, having earned the right to teach others. The ceremony is a great opportunity for graduates to celebrate their degree at Chalmers University of Technology.
The ceremonies take place at RunAn Conference Hall and conclude with a social gathering in the Volvo Foyer. The time depends on how many have registered; usually the graduates are divided into two groups: 13:00 and 16:00. But sometimes three groups: 11:00, 14:00 and 16:30. Information regarding time of ceremony will be sent to attendees after registration is closed.
The dinner, which is optional, takes place in the Student Union restaurant starting at 18:30.

Chalmers cap, graduation ring and souvenirs
Students can celebrate their graduation with the traditional Chalmers cap, graduation ring or other souvenirs. The Student Union STORE also provides mementoes from the Chalmers era, such as jewellery, glass or the Chalma Mater.
For more information and ordering, contact STORE in the Student Union House, or the web shop www.chalmersstore.se.
STORE will be open during the graduation days in question.
Frequently asked questions
Do you have any further questions?
For questions concerning the graduation ceremony and dinner, please contact: examensceremoni@chalmers.se
For questions about the degree application, please contact The Office of Degrees: examen@chalmers.se
If, based on your degree certificate date, you are unable to attend the graduation ceremony to which you are invited or have questions about the graduation ceremony, please contact: examensceremoni@chalmers.se