This is an overview of important dates throughout the application process, up to the beginning of your master’s studies. All deadlines are midnight CET (Central European TIME) at the end of the day on the date indicated.
The dates below may be subject to change.
Not applicable for Chalmers bachelor students applying to a master's programme.
Application and enrolment for master’s degree programmes 2025
15 October 2024 - 15 January 2025:
Submit your application
The application period for master's degree programmes is open for national and international students. Create your account and choose programmes at universityadmissions.se or antagning.se (application deadline at midnight CET).

How to apply
Applying to Chalmers is easy, but there are a few things to consider depending on your choice of education. Application periods also differ. Welcome with your application.
Late November 2024 - 17 January 2025:
Apply for a scholarship
An application for scholarships administered by Chalmers is a separate application process. The SI scholarships for Global Professionals are not administered by Chalmers.

Scholarships for fee-paying students
Scholarships are a great source of funding for prospective master's students who are liable to pay tuition fees. Some of these are administrated by Chalmers and some by other foundations and associations. Additional scholarships may be added to the list and you are therefore advised to check this webpage regularly.
3 February 2025:
Deadline for paying the application fee (if required)
The deadline for providing proof of being exempted (EU/EEA citizens etc.) or paying the application fee. If required, pay the application fee to universityadmissions.se. Note, one or the other is required in order for your application to be processed. This is an non-refundable administrative fee.

Find out if you need to pay fees
Wondering if you need to pay application and tuition fees? Here, you will find questions and answers - with case examples - to help you find out.
3 February 2025:
Deadline for all supporting documentation, to complete your application
No documents should be sent directly to Chalmers University of Technology.
The list of required documents is specific to Chalmers and applies to all applicants including those with a Swedish personal identity number and/or Swedish citizenship. If a project portfolio is a prerequisite for the programme you are applying to, this deadline applies too.
27 March 2025:
Publication of the official Notification of selection results
The Notification of Selection Results from University Admissions is available online as a printable PDF file, so no hard copy is sent by regular mail. The print-out serves as the official document and should be used when you need to present an official copy of your selection results, such as when applying for a residence permit with the Swedish Migration Agency.
28 March 2025:
Late applications open
Some Master's programmes may still have vacant study places and will then open for late applications. There is neither a guarantee of being evaluated nor of being offered a place, even when the application fee has been paid.
The notification of selection result is available in early May.
Mid-March to late April 2025:
Scholarship award notifications
The Scholarship Award Notifications will be sent out (by e-mail) to all grant recipients. In order to keep your scholarship offer, you have to confirm that you accept the offered scholarship. Instructions will follow in your scholarship offer notification. Make sure to confirm by the specified deadline.
All applicants will receive an email with information regardless of whether or not they have been awarded a scholarship. This applies to scholarships administered by Chalmers University of Technology only (the SI scholarships are NOT administrated by Chalmers).
1-15 April 2025:
Application period for Chalmers BSc students only
Application period for third year students currently enrolled at a BSc programme or alumni with a BSc degree from a Chalmers only.

Master's programmes for Chalmers bachelor's students
Bachelor's students at Chalmers applies for master's programme in a local admissions round. This information is only available in Swedish. Use the "Svenska" button to change the language version and access complete information and contact details.
To be updated:
Chalmers Pre-Departure Days
The week after the notification of selection results, we will host digital pre-departure event for all admitted master's students where you will get to know Chalmers better. We will focus on different relevant topics, to help you prepare for your studies. An email with information will be sent after the admissions results have been announced, exclusively to students admitted to Chalmers (we will send it to the email address you used when you applied on universityadmissions.se).
1 May 2025:
Deadline for the payment of the first semester tuition fees*
The first semester tuition fees must have been received by Chalmers by this date (payment for the 1st semester out of 4). The invoice instructions will be sent by e-mail after the publication of the Notification of selection results. Applicants admitted in May (from the waiting list or late applications) will have another date for the payment of the first semester fees stated on the invoice.
Please make sure to pay the invoice as soon as possible and not risking missing the deadline.
The residence permit application process can take a long time and you cannot start the application process until you have paid the tuition fee.
*Applies to fee-paying students only.

Tuition fees
Some students are required to pay tuition fees to study at Chalmers. Here you find information about what applies to you, payment deadlines, conditions for fee-paying students and more.
August 2025:
Arrival day
In August the CIRC phadders will be at Landvetter airport all day and welcome you to Gothenburg. At the airport you will be given a map over the city and a free ticket for the Airport coaches.
More information about Arrival day can be found here.
August 2025:
Orientation Week
Welcome to Chalmers! Chalmers University of Technology and Chalmers International Reception Committee (CIRC) arrange an Orientation week for all newly enrolled students.
1 September 2025:
First day of the autumn semester and the last date to enrol online (register in Ladok)
Studies begin! You must have enrolled by today. It is a mandatory step. Detailed instructions will be provided for all admitted students.

New student
On this page we have compiled important information that you need to get started with your time of study in the best possible way.

University Admissions: Questions database
The answers to most questions about application and admission to Swedish universities.