Chalmers University of Technology is one of the best-known and highest-rated universities in Sweden. We offer around 30 bachelor’s programmes with a full range of programmes in engineering, science, shipping and architecture all taught in Swedish. Each year, thousands of the best students from around the country begin their studies here.
Chalmers is a key player in providing the Swedish industry with the talent it needs. Multiple generations of prominent Swedish engineers, scientists and CEO:s have been educated here since the founding in 1829.
All the bachelor’s programmes are conducted in Swedish, and therefore fluency in Swedish or another Scandinavian language is required. In order to study one of these programmes you must prove formal knowledge of the Swedish language equivalent to the upper secondary course Swedish 3/B.
The fifth semester of the bachelor’s programmes is conducted in English, and during this period students have an opportunity to do an exchange period abroad.
All but one of our master's programmes are conducted in English and are all open for international students.
Use the button "Svenska" on the top right to change the language version of this page. All the information about our bachelor's programmes is in Swedish.
Any questions about bachelor's studies?
If you have questions concerning undergraduate studies at Chalmers, please contact our study guidance.