Innovation and R&D Management

The division’s research is focused on organising and management of innovation, improvements, change, and R&D activities. We pursue problem-oriented and interdisciplinary research, with strong emphasis on relevance for industry and society. Our goal is to be an environment for knowledge creation that creates attention in the international academic community as well as among students, practitioners, and decision-makers in companies and organisations.

The division conducts research and teaching in close interaction with external organisations. Our research focus on a wide range of sectors that include both private and public actors within energy, healthcare, manufacturing and the built environment.

In our research: 

  • We focus on products and services, as well as processes and business models
  • We address strategic, tactical and/or operational issues
  • We apply different levels of analysis, for example industry, system, organization, team and individuals
  • We apply both qualitative and quantitative methods

We offer relevant and research-based courses at bachelor's, master's, doctoral level as well as continuing education. Our courses can be found in several different programmes at Chalmers, for example, the master’s programmes Management and Economics of Innovation, Quality and Operations Management, Design and Construction Project Management, and Product Development. Our courses focus on design, innovation, organizational change, quality management, product development, project management, industrial economics, and business development.

We are active in several of Chalmers’ Areas of Advance, such as Energy, Production and Health Engineering. We also host the collaborative platform for Healthcare Improvement (CHI).

Research projects and publications

On Chalmers Research you will find the division's projects and publications.