We strive to identify resource-efficient and competitive technologies, as well as sustainable transformations pathways for the energy, transportation and heavy industry sectors. We combine practical research in energy conversion processes with a systems level approach, and participate in many national and international projects.

We conduct research and offers educational training in the areas of energy technology and energy systems. Ongoing projects and activities cover a broad spectrum of issues related to improving efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of energy conversion and usage in a wide range of sectors. The Division is also the host of the research infrastructure Chalmers Power Station, which plays a central role in our research activities.
Our research aims at identifying resource-efficient and competitive technologies and transformation pathways that will enable the energy, energy-intensive heavy industry and transportation sectors to comply with ambitious international sustainable development goals. An important characteristic of our research is the combination of system level activities with in-depth development of energy conversion processes, as well as participation in a large number of national and international research projects.
Research areas
Thermal conversion processes
Experimental technical research with focus on thermal conversion processes and technologies for complete conversion of feedstock to products with ultra-low emissions, including: Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC), Fluidized bed technologies for combustion and gasification applications, Oxy-fuel combustion, Novel gas cleaning technologies, combined energy and materials recycling and industrial combustion applications.
Diagnostic measurements and modelling
On-site industrial research in support of compliance with stringent emissions regulations.
Modelling and analysis of energy systems
Model-based energy systems analysis for supply, distribution and demand of grid-based energy carriers.
Process Integration and Process Systems Engineering (PSE)
Developing tools for analysis and conceptual design of carbon-neutral and resource-efficient industrial processes.