When taking measurements, it is important to minimize the inevitable measurement error that occurs depending on the equipment used and its surroundings. The online course Measurement technology covers the selection of equipment and how to handle measurement uncertainty in the best way.

The course is given online, via Zoom, starting October 7, 2024.
Course content and schedule:
Oct. 7 19-21: Measurements of DC voltage, DC current and resistance
Oct. 10 19-21: Measurements of AC voltage, AC current and impedance
Oct. 14 19-21: Measurements of time and frequency
Oct. 17 19-21: Virtual demonstrations
Oct. 21 19-21: Instrument handling: digital multimeter (DMM), universal counter and oscilloscope
Oct. 24 19-21: Measuring methods e.g. the volt-ampere-meter method and bridge measurements
Oct. 28 19-21: Measurement uncertainty, disturbances and signal analysis
Oct. 31 19-21: Virtual demonstrations
Registration: Registration closes September 30, alternatively when the number of places is filled
Number of students: 24, a place in the course is obtained when a confirmation is received.
Curriculum language: English
Price: The course is given free of charge as it is financed with a Chalmers grant from the Ministry of Education
Prerequisites: High school knowledge of mathematics and electricity, or equivalent
Course literature: Documents and films are distributed via the Internet
Certificate: In order for you to pass the course, 80% attendance in the virtual teaching sessions is required, as well as that you pass the assignments that are carried out during the course.