Where do we come from and where are we going? At our department we search for answers to the really big questions. In a long time perspective, the lifecycles of stars and galaxies provide an insight into the origin and future of the universe, earth and life. We also observe our planet and the interaction between society, technology and nature in order to develop technologies, models and tools that can meet global challenges regarding natural resources, climate impact and energy supply.

World class education
We educate engineers that can contribute to a sustainable, fair and environmentally friendly society.

Research for a sustainable future
We observe the universe, the earth, the climate and energy systems to drive sustainable development on various levels.

Do your thesis at SEE
Would you like to do a Master's thesis project at our department? You can find available projects in the Thesis Portal.

Meet our alumni
Read about what some of our newest graduated doctors have studied - and what they thought of their time as PhD students.
We identify and address major, relevant challenges in sustainability, energy, earth and space science.
The Department of Space, Earth and Environment, SEE, is an international, outward-looking department in which research is driven by curiosity and challenges. We contribute to realising Chalmers' vision of a sustainable future by building long-term sustainable solutions based on knowledge and technology in our fields.
SEE has a unique mix of expertise that permits collaboration between our various research fields. Our vision is to have a leading position when it comes to identifying and addressing major and relevant challenges in sustainability, energy, earth and space sciences – by providing society with the foremost experts, state-of-the-art knowledge and innovative solutions.
This vision permeates all of the department’s research, education and utilisation, which are characterised by excellence and based on a solid scientific foundation.