The deterministic modelling of nuclear reactors requires special techniques due to the multi-physics and multi-scale aspects of such systems. The multi-physics aspects come primarily from the macroscopic cross-sections being dependent on the temperature of the coolant/moderator and of the fuel and on the energy being produced by fission reactions. Consequently, the determination of all fields needs to be carried out simultaneously if one wants to determine the behaviour of nuclear systems. The other characteristic feature of nuclear reactors is their multi-scale aspects, i.e. phenomena occurring at different scales. The multi-scale character is explained by the fact that nuclear reactors are strongly heterogeneous systems, and by the fact that phenomena involving different characteristic lengths play role in the system.
The research being carried out at Chalmers is devoted to the modelling of nuclear reactors (more specifically the nuclear core), and focuses on the development of new computational methods for treating the multi-scale and multi-physics aspects of nuclear systems. This will ultimately allow a more reliable assessment of the performance, reliability, and safety of the current fleet of nuclear reactors, as well as of the units planned for near-term deployment. Gen-IV systems and SMRs would also benefit from such a research program, with the development of an innovative and reliable computational route for the nuclear systems of tomorrow.
The research encompasses several disciplines, ranging from neutron transport, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, to reactor dynamics and transients. This group is the only group in Sweden dealing with the deterministic modelling of nuclear reactors in an integrated viewpoint (i.e. tackling the multi-physics and multi-scale aspects simultaneously).
On-going projects
GRE@T-PIONEeR - Graduate Education Alliance for Teaching the Physics and Safety of Nuclear Reactors
Study of core stability during load follow with ROM methods
Neutron noise equivalence techniques
Past projects
Publications connected to the group:
Group members
Group leaders
PhD students
Past collaborators
Funding bodies
- The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet - VR) (Opens in new tab)
- The Swedish Centre for Nuclear Technology (Svenskt kärntekniskt centrum - SKC) (Opens in new tab)
- The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten - SSM) (Opens in new tab)
- The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) (Opens in new tab)
- The European Commission (Opens in new tab)

- Full Professor, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics, Physics

- Associate Professor, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics, Physics