Our goal is to understand why and how physical phenomena in materials arise and how to best exploit them in applications. We combine curiosity and challenge driven research which spans from investigating fundamental physical processes to actual working devices.
About the division
Our research contributes to address pressing global challenges on sustainable energy and transport, environment, health and well-being. Examples are projects on next generation batteries, implants, pharmaceutical formulations, and technology for equestrian applications. We work in national and international consortia, in academia-industry networks, and in fundamental strategic research projects.
The aim is to build a detailed understanding from the atomic and nano-scales to the resulting macroscopic functionality. Our activities include atomistic modelling, materials design and synthesis, advanced materials characterisation and method development, and device design and optimization. Our expertise covers a broad range of materials such as soft, hard and hierarchical materials, liquids and glasses, complex oxides and quantum matter. We make use of advanced imaging and spectroscopy methods in our own laboratories, at Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory, and at large-scale facilities for synchrotron x-ray, muon, and neutron scattering. We are involved in several development projects at the national synchrotron facility MAX IV and the international European Spallation Source (ESS).