We are working on the theory of quantum materials. The focus lies on symmetry and topology of ordered phases of matter, non-equilibrium dynamics, and stochastic processes in materials. We discuss these phenomena in a broad range of materials classes, such as organics, metal organic frameworks, oxides, and 2D materials.
Examples of our research fields
Ultrafast (thermo)dynamics in quantum materials
We theoretically investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics of excitations in quantum materials and their control on sub-picosecond time-scales. One focus area is the excitation of chiral phonons and their coupling to electrons and electron spin, in the context of THz and phonon enabled technology. Another focus is on the non-equilibrium stochastic evolution of material excitations. We develop the "ultrafast thermodynamics" to understand and control ultrafast heating processes on the nano-scale, e.g., promising for reducing excess energy in future devices.
Symmetry of quantum materials
Symmetry and symmetry-breaking are fundamental concepts of nature. The group develops group and field theoretical methods to investigate quantum phases and phase transitions in materials, e.g., hidden and composite orders, topological materials, Dirac materials, as well as other types of ordered phenomena. Furthermore, we develop the Mathematica group theory package GTPack.
Novel and functional quantum materials
We explore the design and identification of novel quantum materials. One focus lies on metal organic framework materials and the potential unconventional degrees of freedom (buckling, rotations, interpenetration, and porosity) for collective quantum behavior. Furthermore, we combine the design of functional materials using model Hamiltonians and materials informatics. With machine learning and data mining, the group identifies novel quantum materials with desired target properties. A central tool is the Organic Materials Database - OMDB.
Group members
Research group leader
Post doc
PhD students
- Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (Opens in new tab)
- Swedish Research Council/Vetenskapsrådet (Opens in new tab)
- Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund (Opens in new tab)
- Carl Tryggers Stiftelse (Opens in new tab)
- Olle Engkvists Stiftelse (Opens in new tab)
- Area of Advance Nano
- Area of Advance Materials science

- Assistant Professor, Condensed Matter and Materials Theory, Physics