The activities at Chemical Physics involve fundamental and applied research within surface and nano science. The projects are mainly connected to the development of sustainable energy systems including heterogeneous catalysis for emission control and fuel production, photovoltaics, energy storage, and fuel cells. Functional nanomaterials are the common denominator.
Our research is both experimental and theoretical. In the experimental projects, advanced fabrication techniques and vacuum based methods are developed and used to design novel nano-structured materials. Such materials often exhibit unique physical, chemical and optical properties which we explore and utilize. One example is the use of localized surface plasmons to either stimulate physical and chemical processes or to monitor different surface phenomena by means of nanoplasmonic sensing. The theoretical activity is based on electronic structure calculations within the density functional theory together with mean-field modeling and Monte-Carlo simulations for reaction kinetics. Theoretical spectroscopy is used to rationalize experimental observations and multi-scale methods are developed to link atomistic first principles results with kinetic modeling in order to bridge length and time scales.
Principal Investigators at Chemical Physics

- Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics

- Full Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics

- Assistant Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics

- Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics

- Full Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics

- Associate Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics
Below are lists of the most resent theses from the Chemical Physics group. For a list of all out recent publications, including journal articles, theses and conference contributions; see Chalmers Research.
Chemical Physics is taking active part of education at Chalmers. We are involved as lecturers and examiners in courses at Bachelor, Master and PhD level.
The following types of infrastructure tools are used at our division.
Incomplete list of previous group members and their latest known positions.