From a synergy of teaching and research we have a strong commitment to learning on all levels, from undergraduate to PhD studies where physics meet engineering. We are strongly involved in a total of nine Bachelor’s programmes, three Master’s programmes and three doctoral programmes. We are situated in a stimulating and creative environment with 200 teachers and researchers, 120 PhD students and 550 undergraduate students within the physics community in Gothenburg.
Master's programmes at Physics

Physics, MSc
Would you like to operate at the forefront of technological innovations? To contribute with scientific solutions to the known and unknown problems of the future? This master's programme will give you extensive training in modern physics, preparing you to take on such exciting and demanding challenges. You will learn to identify and explain general aspects of physics that are integral to applications in engineering and natural sciences. Furthermore, learn how to identify relevant theoretical, computational, and experimental methods and apply these to problem-solving across a wide range of fields.

Complex adaptive systems, MSc
The human brain, economic markets, our immune systems — even the formation of clouds. These are all examples of complex adaptive systems, formed from multiple interacting components, often nonlinear and dynamic, leading to a collective structure and organisation across multiple levels. With a truly interdisciplinary approach, encompassing several theoretical frameworks, this master’s programme will provide you with a broad and thorough introduction to the theory of complex adaptive systems and their application to the world around us.
Doctoral programmes
We have three doctoral programmes, involving approximately 70 Ph.D. students. These programmes lead to a licentiate of engineering after about two and a half years and to a Ph.D. after four to five years.
The education allows doctoral students to choose courses to suit their scientific interests, and doctoral students can also assist in the teaching at the department. The education involves networking at a national and international level (e.g. conferences), which results in a broad network.

Physics is a broad subject that is based on both experimental, theoretical, and computational physics. The various scientific subjects various from subatomic physics to astrophysics.

Materials Science
Do you have an interest in an interdisciplinary subject area that describes the relationships between a solid material's composition, structure, properties and performance, and how these relationships may be controlled through different parameters in the fabrication process? Then you may apply to a doctoral student position within the graduate school in of Materials Science when you have received your master's degree.

Nuclear Engineering
The graduate school in Nuclear Engineering aims to provide basic knowledge about the operation of nuclear energy-producing systems. The education is based on research with high relevance for both industry and academia.

About doctoral studies
The doctoral programmes provide you with a research specialisation based on fundamental scientific concepts, principles and methods. As a doctoral student at Chalmers, you will develop skills that can lead to future opportunities in both academia and industry.
Bachelor and master's thesis projects
Bachelor projects
The bachelor's projects offered at the Department of Physics at Chalmers, as well as at the Department of Physics at Gothenburg University, are presented in the learning platform Canvas:
TIFX11 Bachelor thesis selection
Master's thesis projects
Every master's programme is completed with a master's thesis work. You can find all available student projects offered at Physics on advanced level on the Thesis Portal.
Collecting a marked examination

Collecting your marked examination
Once the examiner has marked your examination paper and the results have been reported in Ladok, you can collect the paper from the department that ran the course.