The group research is about the teaching and learning of mathematics.
The group is part of the Akelius Math Learning Lab, a collaboration between Chalmers, the University of Gothenburg and Akelius Math AB.
Some of the areas covered by the group's research are
- teacher training
- algebra didactics
- digital learning materials in mathematics
- history of mathematics
The focus is on teaching and learning in upper secondary school and at university, but questions relating to other school stages are included.
Networks in which we participate are, for example, the Center for Educational Science and Teacher Research (CUL) and Mathematics Education Research in Gothenburg (MERGOT) at the University of Gothenburg, Development, Learning, Research (ULF) at Chalmers and the international networks Nordic Network for Algebra Learning (N2AL), International Study Group on the relations between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) and SEFIs Mathematics Special Interest Group (MSIG).
In recent years, we have, among others, collaborated with Angelika Kullberg, Éva Fülöp and Semir Becevic (IDPP at the University of Gothenburg) as well as Camilla Björklund (IPKL at the University of Gothenburg), Kajsa Bråting (Uppsala University), Timo Tossavainen (Luleå tekniska universitet), Jon Star (Harvard) and Michele Artigue (Université Paris-Diderot).