Spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, stochastic geometry and imaging

The group conducts research in stochastic geometry, spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, and imaging.

The members of the group work on developing theory and applications of general classes of spatio- temporal models, including non-stationary and non-Gaussian processes, and on statistical estimation and algorithms for these processes. Application areas include biology, climate, demography, forestry, offshore operations and sea transports, materials science, neurology and telecommunications.

Group members

Ongoing projects

2019-01-01—2022-12-31 VR

Extracting information from complicated point patterns
Project leader Aila Särkkä


General superposition limit laws for point processes and random measures
Project leader Sergei Zuyev

Past projects

2018-05-03—2020-08-21 Vinnova

CoSiMa - concept for industrial development for the sustainable soft materials of the future
Project leader Tobias Gebäck

2014-04-01—2020-06-30 SSF

Material structures seen through microscopes and statistics
Project leader Aila Särkkä

2014-01-01—2017-12-31 VR

Spatial statistical methods for detecting small fiber neuropathies
Project leader: Aila Särkkä

2013-01-01—2018-09-01 KAW

Stochastics for big data and big systems – bridging local and global
Project leader: Holger Rootzén

Collaboration at Chalmers/University of Gothenburg

  • Wengang Mao and Jonas Ringsberg (Department of Shipping and Marine Technology)
  • Eva Olsson (Department of Physics) SuMo biomaterials center

Main collaborators outside Chalmers/University of Gothenburg

  • Francois Baccelli (ENS-INRIA, France)
  • Anastassia Baxevani (University of Cyprus)
  • Elzbieta Bitner-Gregerse (Det Norska Veritas)
  • Peter Guttorp (University of Washington, USA)
  • Guenter Last (Karsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
  • Ross Leadbetter (UNC-Chapel Hill, USA)
  • Finn Lindgren (University of Bath, UK)
  • Mikhail Menshikov (Durham University, UK)
  • Ilya Molchanov (University of Berne, Switzerland)
  • Mari Myllymäki (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
  • Valerie Monbet (IRMAR University, Rennes, France)
  • Michel Olagnon, (IFREMER, Brest, France)
  • Krzysztof Podgorski (School of economics and management, Lund University)
  • Tuomas Rajala (University College London, UK)
  • Claudia Redenbach (Kaiserslautern University, Germany)
  • Alex Tartakovsky (University of South California, USA)

Mathematical Sciences, a joint department between Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg.