The group conducts research developing stochastic models and statistical methods.
The topics of interest are
- Bayesian statistics.
- Spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, stochastic geometry and imaging, with applications towards demography, forestry, offshore operations and wave modelling for sea transports, materials science, neurology, telecommunication.
- Theory for extremes in random processes and fields, and statistical analysis of extreme values such as extreme climatic episodes.
- Reliability improvement: in particular development of load models and fatigue accumulation for trucks.
- Financial risk management: research aimed at new methods for optimization of financial portfolios, measurement of catastrophic risks and handling of credit risks.
- Statistical estimation and algorithms for non-stationary and non-Gaussian processes.
- Computer intensive statistical methods and Big data statistics. Environmental statistics.
- Forensic statistics.
For life science statistics see the webpage of the research group in Biomathematics and biostatistics. Our research in various ways intersects with other research areas at the department, in particular with the groups in Computational Mathematics, Probability theory, and Optimization.
Researchers in the area regularly participate at speakers at the Statistics seminar.
Staff members who are active in the research area

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