We are interested in mathematical problems inspired by physics.
Our research topics include partial differential equations arising in general relativity theory, kinetic theory, continuum mechanics and quantum physics, special functions in mathematical physics, quantum properties of black holes and connections with representation theory.
Examples of systems that we study are solvable lattice models, the Vlasov-Poisson/Vlasov-Einstein system in galactic dynamics, the Vlasov-Maxwell system in plasma physics, Boltzmann-like kinetic equations in low temperature physics, the Euler equation in fluid dynamics, the Cauchy equations in non-linear elasticity, the Schrödinger and Gross-Pitaevskii equations in quantum mechanics.
We investigate questions regarding existence, asymptotics, stability and topological properties of solutions.

- Full Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

- Senior Lecturer, Analysis and Probability Theory, Mathematical Sciences

- Associate Professor, Analysis and Probability Theory, Mathematical Sciences

- Professor, Analysis and Probability Theory, Mathematical Sciences

- Senior Researcher, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

- Associate Professor, Analysis and Probability Theory, Mathematical Sciences

- Professor Emeritus, Mathematical Sciences

- Head of Unit, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Head of Unit, Analysis and Probability Theory, Mathematical Sciences

- Head of Department, Mathematical Sciences