Computational mathematics

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Photo of the group members.

We teach and perform research on the design, analysis, implementation and application of numerical methods for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

In particular, we study adaptive finite element methods, stochastic partial differential equations, transport equations, geometric integration and applications in medical image registration, inverse problems, mathematical physics, design, architecture, construction and virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR).

We also work on mathematics for artificial intelligence, in particular, the use of deep learning to solve partial differential equations.

Many of the activities are connected to Chalmers' areas of advance, in particular Information and communication technology.


We organize the weekly Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar (CAM seminar). The seminar meets on Wednesdays at 13.15-14.00 in room MV:L14.

Digital Twin Cities

Digital Twins are digital replicas of physical things. They help to make better-informed decisions, lowering costs and the chances of failing in the real world.

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FEniCS project

FEniCSx is a world-leading computing platform for the solution of partial differential equations in Python and C++. FEniCS was founded in collaboration between Chalmers and the University of Chicago in 2003 and has since reached widespread use and recognition worldwide.

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Teachers and researchers

