In the area of biomathematics and biostatistics researchers work on developing mathematical and statistical models and methods addressing various biological phenomena.
We are involved in research projects in the areas of
- systems biology,
- mathematical and statistical modeling of cancer,
- statistical genetics,
- bioinformatics, and metagenomics,
- quantitative evolutionary biology and ecology,
- population dynamics and genealogical models,
- medical statistics, clinical trials, and epidemiology.
We participate in the joint Statistics and Biomathematics Seminar on Thursdays, 13:15-14:15, room MV:L14.
Teachers and researchers

Marina Axelson-Fisk
- Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Marija Cvijovic
- Deputy Head Of Department, Mathematical Sciences

Philip Gerlee
- Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Rebecka Jörnsten
- Full Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Erik Kristiansson
- Full Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Torbjörn Lundh
- Full Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Petter Mostad
- Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Damiano Ognissanti
- Lecturer, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

Julie Rowlett
- Professor, Analysis and Probability Theory, Mathematical Sciences

Serik Sagitov
- Full Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Moritz Schauer
- Senior Lecturer, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

Bernt Wennberg
- Head of Department, Mathematical Sciences