New employees at Mathematical Sciences

A presentation of our newly employed colleagues.

Anna Theorin Johansson

Anna Theorin Johansson

PhD student at the Division of Algebra and Geometry

I will be studying analytic number theory under the supervision of Julia Brandes. In particular, we aim to study applications of the Harvey-Littlewood circle method – a method to count the number of solutions of Diophantine equations, which can be applied to many different kinds of mathematical problems (e.g. Waring’s problem).

I studied mathematics at ETH Zürich and the University of Edinburgh and wrote my master thesis on Zaremba’s conjecture and the circle method.

Start date: August 15, 2024

Malin Rau

Malin Rau

Assistant Professor at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

My research has two main focuses. The first is developing Approximation Algorithms and proving lower bounds for Scheduling and two-dimensional Packing Problems. For these algorithms, linear and integer programs and results about the structure of optimal solutions play an essential role.
My second research focus is on random processes within graph structures, specifically studying opinion dynamics, load-balancing processes, and group testing.

After receiving my PhD at Kiel University (CAU), I was a PostDoc at the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and later a PostDoc at the Universität Hamburg.

Start date: August 1, 2024

Mathis Rost

Mathis Rost

PhD student at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I will be studying spatial statistics under the guidance of Ottmar Cronie, with a focus on point processes. This area of study involves analyzing spatial point patterns, which has applications in various fields such as epidemiology and ecology.

I completed my mathematics degree at Ulm University, where I also developed a strong foundation in computer science. I wrote my master thesis on point processes and spatial statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences within the ERASMUS program.

Start date: June 3, 2024

Hilda Alfredsson

Akelius Math Learning Lab

Start date: April 29, 2024

Oskar Olander

Oskar Olander

PhD student at the Division of Analysis and Probability Theory

I do research in statistical physics together with my supervisor Jakob Björnberg. The aim is to derive properties of quantum spin systems which model magnetism in materials. For instance, I would like to describe phases and phase transitions of spin systems and categorise the extremal states. Solving these problems requires a combination of techniques from analysis, probability, and representation theory. 

I have a background in physics and appreciate the interplay between mathematics and physics.

Start date: April 1, 2024

Joseph Löfving

Joseph Löfving

Industrial PhD student at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I'm an industry PhD student in mathematical optimization at Volvo Group, and am academically tied to Chalmers. My research is focused on routing of electrified truck fleets, i.e., how to choose paths for a number of electric trucks so as to optimally cover a larger set of deliveries, with truck dynamics and charge levels in mind.

I have previously studied Engineering Physics at Chalmers, and wrote my master's thesis about optimized routing for warehouse workers.

Start date: March 4, 2024

Nina Franzén

Nina Franzén

Akelius Math Learning Lab

My work will be as a Math editor at Akelius Math Learning Lab. I am a teacher in mathematics and chemistry who previously worked at Uddevalla upper-secondary school and Kitas upper-secondary school. I studied the Biotechnology programme and then the master's programme Learning and leadership here at Chalmers.

Start date: March 1, 2024

Fredrik Nordling

Fredrik Nordling

Akelius Math Learning Lab

I am a teacher in mathematics and physics. I come from Hulebäck upper-secondary school where I taught for 10 years. For the past three years, I have also worked part-time at the Chalmers programme Learning and leadership, where I have taught and mentored future teachers.

Start date: March 1, 2024

Fredrik Olofsson

Fredrik Olofsson

Akelius Math Learning Lab

My work will be as a Math editor at Akelius Math Learning Lab. I am a upper-secondary school teacher in mathematics and physics and I have worked at Hulebäck upper-secondary school and Sjölins upper-secondary school. I have previously been involved as a master teacher at Learning and Leadership here at Chalmers. Most recently, I came from a part-time assignment at the University of Gothenburg where I was involved in subject matter education and teaching practice courses.

Start date: March 1, 2024

Kajsa Taylor

Kajsa Taylor

Akelius Math Learning Lab

My work will be as a Math editor at Akelius Math Learning Lab. I am a upper-secondary school teacher with education from the programme Learning and leadership here at Chalmers in mathematics and technology. I am also a civil engineer in mechanical engineering. I have worked at Gothenburg Technical College and GTG upper-secondary school for many years, and also as a master teacher at Learning and leadership a few years ago.

Start date: March 1, 2024

Photo Henrik Häggström

Henrik Häggström

Project assistant at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I will work on applying a simulation-based Bayesian inference approach to problems in biomathematics, such as inferring model parameters in models for cell-to-cell variation. The goal is to show that this methodology can provide accurate inference, but at a much lower computational cost compared to exact state-of-art Bayesian methodology that uses expensive particle MCMC approaches or approximate inference via neural density estimation. The project will be carried out with Umberto Picchini and Marija Cvijovic.

I have a master's degree in Engineering Mathematics from Chalmers and wrote my thesis about simulation-based inference.

Start date: February 12, 2024

Daniel Stahre

Daniel Stahre

Communication Partner, Mathematical Sciences

I am a trained linguist and communication officer from the Communications Management Programme at Södertörn University 2014-2018 with an interest in sustainability.

I have previously worked with communication at the innovation agency Vinnova, VINCI Energies Nordic and BNP Paribas Cardif. In addition to content production and communication planning, I am used to work with projects, brand- and change journeys.

Start date: January 15, 2024


Max Guillen

Postdoctor at the Division of Algebra and Geometry

Start date: January 15, 2024

Andrea Papini

Andrea Papini

Postdoctor at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I recently obtained my PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, under the supervision of Franco Flandoli, and will join the group of Annika Lang as a postdoc. My main research interest lies in the study of the effect of turbulence in coagulation processes such as rain and planetoid formation, with a focus on point vortex dynamics and its simulation. Investigating the role of eddy diffusion in turbulent velocity field and a link to coagulation enhancement and the formation of new structure in the fluid. For such research I employ techniques from PDE/SPDE theory and model arising from scaling limit of interacting particle systems under the action of a transport type random vector field.

Start date: January 9, 2024

Eduard Vilalta Vila

Eduard Vilalta Vila

Postdoctor at the Division of Analysis and Probability Theory

I will be joining the workgroup in Harmonic Analysis and Functional Analysis as a postdoc. Previously, I was a Fields postdoctoral fellow at the Fields Institute, in Toronto. I obtained my PhD in 2022 at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

My main research interests are in Operator Algebras, Semigroup Theory and Noncommutative Algebra. Currently, I am particularly interested in noncommutative dimension theories, regularity properties for non-simple C*-algebras, and the Cuntz semigroup.

Start date: January 1, 2024

Johannes Borgqvist

Johannes Borgqvist

Postdoctor at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I am a research fellow with the Wenner-Gren Foundations in Stockholm who just finished a three year long position as an affiliated researcher at the postdoctoral level at Wolfson Centre for Mathemathical Biology at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford. Before becoming a Wenner-Gren Fellow, I obtained my PhD title in 2020 from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Gothenburg, and it is a great pleasure to return to my home institute. Starting in January 2024, I will continue my research at the department of Mathematical Sciences of Chalmers University of Technology, and the focus of my work is to analyse, select and construct mechanistic models in biology consisting of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using Lie symmetries.  So far I have primarily done classical symmetry analyses of mechanistic ODE models in biology with an emphasis on trying to interpret the meaning of the symmetries we have found in a biological context. I have also developed and implemented a symmetry based framework for model selection where multiple candidate ODE models are fitted to time serie data. Currently I am further developing these ideas, and I am also working on a project involving symmetries in the context of structural identifiability analysis. In addition to the work of symmetry methods, I have also worked on partial differential equation (PDE) models of pattern formation based on Turing instability, and a long term goal is to analyse these spatial processes in terms of Lie symmetries.

Start date: January 1, 2024

Portrait of Sagy Ephrati

Sagy Ephrati

Postdoctor at the Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I recently obtained my PhD at the University of Twente in the Netherlands and will join the group of Klas Modin as a postdoc. 

My main research interests lie in computational fluid dynamics, (stochastic) model development for geophysical flows, and combining these subjects with geometric mechanics.

Start date: December 1, 2023

Pierre Nyquist

Senior lecturer at Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Start date: December 1, 2023
