Mathematics library

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Photo from the Mathematics library

The Mathematics library is a research library and the main subjects covered are mathematics, statistical mathematics and numerical analysis. 

About the library

The Mathematics Library supports researchers, teachers and students at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, but is also open to the public.

The library is situated at floor 0 in the MV-building. Except the book collection, journals from 2014 and forward are available. There is a loan and return station, search computer, scanner and printer, four study places, sofa, meeting room, new books, reservations and the library office.

Older journals can be found in the journal magazine down the hall next to the library. There is also a book archive at the same location.

Opening hours 

For students and the public

Mondays 13-15 (The library is closed Monday 24th of March) 

Wednesdays 12-14

Thursdays 13-15

Students at MV writing their thesis can get access to the library with key card. Contact the students office for assistance.

For staff

The staff at Department of Mathematical Sciences always have access to the library by key card. 


Borrow from us

Information on book acquisitions
