Ultraviolet astronomical spectrograph calibration with laser frequency combs from nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides
Nature Communications 15, 7614 (2024)
M. Ludwig, F. Ayhan, T. m. Schmidt, T. Wildi, T. Voumard, R. Blum, Z. C. Ye, F. C. Lei, F. Wildi, F. Pepe, M. A. Gaafar, E. Obrzud,
D. Grassani, O. Hefti, S. Karlen, S. Lecomte, F. Moreau, B. Chazelas, R. Sottile, V. Torres-Company, V. Brasch, L. G. Villanueva, F. Bouchy, and T. Herr
(Editorial) Optical frequency combs: driving precision across the fundamental and applied research domains
APL Photonics 9, 060401 (2024)
T. Fortier and V. Torres-Company
Active feedback stabilization of super-efficient soliton microcombs
Optics Letters 49, 2325 (2024)
I. Rebolledo-Salgado, O. B. Helgason, V. Duran, M. Girardi, M. Zelan, and V. Torres-Company
Self-injection-locked optical parametric oscillator based on microcombs
Optica 11, 420 (2024)
F. Lei, Y. Sun, O. B. Helgason, Z. C. Ye, Y. Gao, M. Karlsson, P. A. Andrekson and V. Torres-Company
Polarization-insensitive silicon nitride photonic receiver at 1µm for optical interconnects
IEEE Photonics Journal 16, 2200507 (2024)
A. Caut, V. Shekhawat, V. Torres-Company, and M. Karlsson
Channel scalability of silicon nitride (de-)multiplexers for optical interconnects at 1µm
Journal of Lightwave Technology 42, 276 (2024)
A. Caut, M. Girardi, V. Torres-Company, A. Larsson, and M. Karlsson
Surpassing the nonlinear conversion efficiency of soliton microcombs
Nature Photonics 17, 992 (2023)
O. B. Helgason, M. Girardi, Z. Ye, F. Lei, J. Schröder, and V. Torres-Company
Platicon dynamics in photonic molecules
Communication Physics 6, 303 (2023)
I. Rebolledo-Salgado, C. Quevedo-Galan, O. B. Helgason, A. Lööf, Z. C. Ye, F. C .Lei, J. Schröder, M. Zelan, and V. Torres-Company
Hyperparametric oscillation via bound states in the continuum
Physical Review Letters 130, 093801 (2023)
F. Lei, Z. Ye, K. Twayana, Y. Gao, M. Girardi, O. B. Helgason, P. Zhao, and V. Torres-Company
Vernier microcombs for high-frequency carrier envelope offset and repetition rate detection
Optica 10, 626 (2023)
K. Wu, N. P. O'Malley, S. Fatema, C. Wang, M. Girardi, M. S. Alshayh, Z. Ye, D. E. Leaird, M. Qi, V. Torres-Company and A. M. Weiner
Thermorefractive noise reduction of photonic molecule microcombs using an all-optical servo loop Optics Express 31, 35208 (2023)
J. Connor Skehan, A. N. Karunakaran, P. Varming, O. Helgason, P. B. Montague, J. Schröder, M. Pu, K. Yvind, V. Torres-Company and P. Andrekson
Compact lithium niobate microring resonators in the ultrahigh Q/V regime
Optics Letters 48, 3949 (2023)
Y. Gao, F. C. Lei, M. Girardi, Z. C. Ye, R. VanLaer, V. Torres-Company and J. Schröder
Multilayer integration in silicon nitride: decoupling linear and nonlinear functionalities for ultralow loss photonicv integrated circuits
Optics Express 31, 31435 (2023)
M. Girardi, O. B. Helgason, A. Caut, M. Karlsson, A. Larsson and V. Torres-Company
Petabit-per-second data transmission using a chip-scale microcomb ring resonator source
Nature Photonics 16, 798 (2022)
A. A. Jørgensen, D. Kong, M. R. Henriksen, F. Klejs, Z. Ye, O. B. Helgason, H. E. Hansen, H. Hu, M. Yankov, S. Forchammer, P. Andrekson, A. Larsson, M. Karlsson, J. Schröder, Y. Sasaki, K. Aikawa, J. W. Thomsen, T. Morioka, M. Galili, V. Torres-Company, and L. K. Oxenløwe
Dual-comb swept-wavelength interferometry: theory and experiment
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 6508 (2022)
E. Deriushkina, I. Rebolledo-Salgado, M. Mazur, V. Torres-Company, P. A. Andrekson, J. Schröder, and M. Karlsson
Differential phase reconstruction of microcombs
Optics Letters 47, 3351 (2022)
K. Twayana, F. C. Lei, Z. C. Ye, I. Rebolledo-Salgado, O. B. Helgason, M. Karlsson and V. Torres-Company
Widely tunable narrow linewidth laser source based on photonic molecule microcombs and optical injection locking
Optics Express 30, 22388 (2022)
J. K. Skehan, O. B. Helgason, J. Schröder, V. Torres-Company and P. A. Andrekson
Optical linewidth of soliton microcombs
Nature Communications 13, 3161 (2022)
F. Lei, Z. C. Ye, O. B. Helgason, A. Fülöp, M. Girardi and V. Torres-Company
Spectral interferometry with frequency combs (invited)
Micromachines 13, 6141 (2022)
K. Twayana, I. Rebolledo-Salgado, E. Deriushkina, J. Schröder, M. Karlsson and V. Torres-Company
Coherent supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion Si3N4 waveguides
Optics Express 30, 8641 (2022)
I. Rebolledo-Salgado, Z.C. Ye, S. Christensen, F. C. Lei, K. Twayana, J. Schröder, M. Zelan and V. Torres-Company
Thermal noise reduction in soliton microcombs via laser self-cooling
Optics Letters 47, 513 (2022)
F. Lei, Z. C. Ye, and V. Torres-Company
Integrated ultra-compact high-Q silicon nitride microresonators for low-repetition rate soliton microcombs
Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100147 (2022)
Z. C. Ye, F. Lei, K. Twayana, M. Girardi, P. A. Andrekson and V. Torres-Company
Low noise phase-sensitive parametric amplifiers based on integrated silicon nitride waveguides for optical. signal processing
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 1847 (2022)
P. Zhao, Z. C. Ye, M. Karlsson, P. A. Andrekson and V. Torres-Company
Overcoming the quantum limit of optical amplification in monolithic waveguides
Science Advances 7, eabi8150 (2021)
Z.C. Ye, P. Zhao, K. Twayana, M. Karlsson, V. Torres-Company, and P. A. Andrekson
Frequency comb calibrated swept-wavelength interferometry
Optics Express 29, 24363 (2021)
K. Twayana, Z. C. Ye, O. B, Helgason, K. Vijayan, M. Karlsson, and V. Torres-Company
High spectral efficiency coherent superchannel transmission with soliton microcombs
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 4367 (2021)
M. Mazur, M. G. Suh, A. Fülöp, J. Schröder, V. Torres-Company, M. Karlsson, K. J. Vahala, and P. A. Andrekson
Dissipative solitons in photonic molecules
Nature Photonics 15, 305 (2021)
O. B. Helgason, F. R. Arteaga-Sierra, Z. C. Ye, K. Twayana, P. A. Andrekson, M. Karlsson, J. Schröder, and V. Torres-Company
Switching dynamics of dark-pulse Kerr frequency comb states in optical microresonators
Physical Review A 103, 013513 (2021)
E. Nazemosadat, A. Fülöp, O. B. Helgason, P. H. Wang, Y. Xuan, D. E. Leaird, M. H. Qi, E. Silvestre, A. M. Weiner, and V. Torres-Company
Phase-coherent lightwave communications with frequency combs
Nature Communications 11, 201 (2020)
L. Lundberg, M. Mazur, A. Mirani, B. Foo, J. Schröder, V. Torres-Company, M. Karlsson, and P. A. Andrekson
Si3N4 photonic integration platform at 1um for optical interconnects
Optics Express 28, 13019 (2020)
X. Hu, M. Girardi, Z. Ye, P. Munoz, A. Larsson, and V. Torres-Company
Bayesian filtering framework for noise characterization of frequency combs
Optics Express 28, 13949 (2020)
G. Brajato, L. Lundberg, V. Torres-Company, M. Karlsson, and D. Zibar
Special issue on optical frequency combs
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31, 1853 (2019)
J. Azana, V. Torres-Company and X. Xue (editors)
High-Q Si3N4 microresonators based on a subtractive processing for Kerr nonlinear optics
Opt. Express 27, 378461 (2019)
Z. Ye, K. Twayana, P. A. Andrekson, and V. Torres-Company
Superchannel engineering of microcombs for optical communications
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 2013-2022 (2019)
O. B. Helgason, A. Fülöp, J. Schröder, P. A. Andrekson, A. M. Weiner and V. Torres-Company
Low-loss high-Q silicon-rich silicon nitride microresonators for Kerr nonlinear optics
Optics Letters 44, 3326-3329 (2019)
Z. Ye, A. Fülöp, O. Helgason, P. A. Andrekson, and V. Torres-Company
Roadmap on optical signal processing
J. Optics 21, 063001 (2019) (invited)
P. Minzioni et al.
Laser frequency combs for coherent optical communications
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37, 1663 (2019) (Invited)
V. Torres-Company, J. Schröder, A. Fülöp, M. Mazur, L. Lundberg, O. B. Helgason, M. Karlsson, and P. A. Andrekson
Electro-optic combs raise above the noise
Science 361, 1316 (2018) (Perspective)
V. Torres-Company
Observation of breathing dark pulses in normal dispersion optical microresonators
Physical Review Letters 121, 257401 (2018)
C. Y. Bao, Y. Xuan, C. Wang, A. Fülöp, D. E. Leaird, V. Torres-Company, M. Qi, and A. M. Weiner
Frequency comb based WDM transmission systems enabling joint signal processing Applied Sciences 8, 718 (2018) (Invited review) L. Lundberg, M. Karlsson, A. Lorences-Riesgo, M. Mazur, V. Torres-Company, J. Schröder, and P. A. Andrekson
Higher-order coherent communications using mode-locked dark pulse Kerr combs from microresonators
Nature Communications 9, 1598 (2018)
A. Fülöp, M. Mazur, A. Lorences-Riesgo, O. B. Helgason, P. H. Wang, Y. Xuan, D. E. Leaird, M. Qi, P. A. Andrekson, A. M. Weiner, and V. Torres-Company
Electro-optic dual-comb interferometer for high-speed vibrometry
Optics Express 25, 16427-16436 (2017) E. L. Teleanu, V. Duran, and V. Torres-Company
Hybrid dielectric waveguide spectroscopy of individual plasmonic nanoparticles AIP Advances 7, 075207 (2017) J. Cuadra, R. Verre, M. Wersall, C. Krückel, V. Torres-Company, T. J. Antosiewicz, and T. Shegai
Optical bandgap engineering in nonlinear silicon nitride waveguides Optics Express 25, 15370-15380 (2017) C. J. Krückel, A. Fülöp, Z. C. Ye, P. A. Andrekson, and V. Torres-Company
Optical physics: One ring to multiplex them all Nature 546, 214-215 (2017) (News & Views) V. Torres-Company
Silicon-rich nitride waveguides for ultra-broadband nonlinear signal processing Optics Express 25, 12100-12108 (2017) M. R. Dizaji, C. J. Krückel, A. Fülöp, P. A. Andrekson, V. Torres-Company, and L. R. Chen
Electro-optic dual-comb interferometry over 40-nm bandwidth
Optics Letters 41, 18, 4190-4193 (2016)
V. Duran, P. A. Andrekson, and V. Torres-Company
Octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in a silicon-rich nitride waveguide
Optics Letters 41, 2719-2722 (2016); erratum: ibid 42, 2941-2942 (2017)
X. Liu, M. Pu, B. Zhou, C. J. Krückel, A. Fülöp, V. Torres-Company, and M. Bache
Ultrafast electrooptic dual-comb interferometry
Optics Express 23, 30557-30569 (2015)
V. Duran, S. Tainta, and V. Torres-Company
Triply resonant coherent four-wave mixing in silicon nitride microresonators
Optics Letters 40, 4006-4009 (2015)
A. Fülöp, C. J. Krückel, D. Castelló-Lurbe, E. Silvestre, and V. Torres-Company
Linear and nonlinear characterization of low-stress high-confinement silicon-rich nitride waveguides
Optics Express 23, 25827-25837 (2015); erratum: ibid 25, 7443-7444 (2017)
C. J. Krückel, A. Fülöp, T. Klintberg, J. Bengtsson, P. A. Andrekson, and V. Torres-Company
Continuous-wave-pumped wavelength conversion in low-loss silicon nitride waveguides
Optics Letters 40, 875-878 (2015)
C. J. Krückel, V. Torres-Company, P. A. Andrekson, D. T. Spencer, J. F. Bauters, M. J. R. Heck, and J. E. Bowers
Inverse dispersion engineering in silicon waveguides
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31, 1829-1835 (2014)
D. Castelló-Lurbe, V. Torres-Company, and E. Silvestre
High-repetition-rate optical frequency comb technology for ultra-broadband radio-frequency photonics
Laser & Photonics Reviews 8, 368-393 (2014) (invited review paper)
V. Torres-Company, D. Castello-Lurbe, and E. Silvestre
Comparative analysis of spectral coherence in microresonator combs
Optics Express 22, 4678-4691 (2014)
V. Torres-Company, D. Castello-Lurbe, and E. Silvestre
Compression of ultra-long microwave pulses using programmable microwave photonic phase filtering with >100 complex coefficient taps
Optics Express 22, 6329-6338 (2014)
M. Song, V. Torres-Company, R. Wu, A. J. Metcalf, and A. M. Weiner
Bandwidth scaling of a phase-modulated continuous-wave comb through four-wave-mixing in a silicon nano-waveguide
Optics Letters 39, 6478-66481 (2014)
Y. Liu, A. J. Metcalf, V. Torres-Company, R. Wu, L. Fan, L. T. Varghese, M. Qi, and A. M. Weiner