The Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience has gathered competence and talent to form a unique research environment in the areas of nano- and quantum electronics, photonics, bio- and nano systems. Today we are a strong contributor to industrial growth and technical and social development. Our cross-disciplinary strategy gives interesting collaborations with Swedish and international partners within academy, industry and society, and is a driving force for innovations, results and breakthroughs.

Research areas
Our research areas focus on future nano- and quantum electronics, photonics, microwave electronics and bio- and nanosystems.

With a unique research competence we offer education at undergraduate level, postgraduate level and within international master's programmes. The greatest extent of our educational instruction takes place as an integral part of masters and research school level programmes.

Centres and collaborations
The department is home of and partner in a number of centers - some of them are run in collaboration with other departments at Chalmers, others are run in collaboration with other universities.