At Chalmers there are several centers that gather competence within Chalmers, often in collaboration with other departments and businesses. Through collaboration academia, industry and other actors may join forces when meeting societal challenges and research issues.
The Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences hosts and coordinates four of the centers established by Chalmers.

TechForH2 is a competence center for multidisciplinary hydrogen research with the overall aim of developing new technology in hydrogen propulsion for heavier vehicles as an important step in the transition to a fossil-free transport system.

CHARMEC is a National Centre of Excellence in railway rechanics with 12 partners from industry and public sector. The research sets out from the interaction between train and track and resulting phenomena - noise, material deterioration, brake phenomena - which cause over half of the maintenance costs of track and freight vehicles.

Lighthouse, maritime competence centre
Lighthouse is a national competence centre for maritime research and innovation. It's based on a triple helix collaboration between academy, industry and government. The purpose is to be a driver for reaching the maritime zero vision, which envisages zero accidents and zero noxious emissions.

SAFER, Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre
SAFER is a centre of excellence for vehicle and traffic safety which conducts collaborative, interdisciplinary research and innovation to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries in traffic. Chalmers is the host for the center, which has 34 partners from academia, industry and society.